Fran O'Sullivan: Fonterra emerging from long winter
COMMENT: It is still too early for Fonterra's top brass to perform a victory roll.
COMMENT: It is still too early for Fonterra's top brass to perform a victory roll.
Fonterra's Head of co-operative affairs for Bay of Plenty Lisa Payne chats to Dom George.
The new model allows farmers to directly nominate their choice for selection to the board.
Does good news for Fonterra mean good news for Theo? Jamie Mackay asks John Wilson the tricky questions...
Fonterra said its net profit shot 65 per cent higher to $834 million for the 2015/6 year.
The outlook for dairy farmers has turned positive after Fonterra raised its farm gate milk price for the second time in less than a month.
The raised milk price forecast of $5.25 per kilo of milksolids is past the estimated break-even and will be good news for farmers.
The 1.7 per cent gain at the latest GlobalDairyTrade was well short of market expectations.
The majority of Fonterra's Edendale plant was back in operation and milk collections were back to normal.
Dairy farmers have endured one of their worst ever years, but Fonterra is set to report one of its best.
Fire service spokesman Steve Lee said an unspecified amount of milk had been spilt at the Edendale factory.
Emergency services are at the scene of incident involving a milk silo at Fonterra's Edendale plant.
There are eight important things to look out for in Fonterra's result.
Dairy farmers are facing an improved outlook but they remain cautious about where prices go from here.
The Commerce Commission wants Fonterra Cooperative Group to more regularly review the basket of products used to set its farmgate
The farmers ended up supplying Fonterra after it bought a failed Canterbury dairy business out of receivership.
Dom talks Global Dairy Trade with Fonterra's Head of Co-operative Affairs for the Central Districts region Dallen Olson.
Fonterra's Farm Source Chief Operating Officer reviews last night's positive Global Dairy Trade auction which resulted in a 7.7% increase.
Signs look good for a further rise in global dairy prices - and maybe a return to profit.
Scott Walls updates us on what's happening with Fonterra in the Taranaki region.
There's a lot riding on Fonterra's financial results due out on September 22.
Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings' challenge 'build windmills not walls' is galvanising the dairy co-operative.
News agency Bloomberg has taken a close look at Fonterra - see what it's telling the world about our dairy giant.
Stu Gray is enjoying the positive vibes at Fonterra but is also keeping his feet on the ground.
Fonterra has raised its farmgate milk price forecast by 50 cents to $4.75 per kg of milksolids.
COMMENT: Growing competition in NZ dairy market means time is right to adopt growth focus.
Fall in farm conversions prompts interest in horticulture, honey and alternatives such as sheep milk.
Has dairy turned the corner? Latest price 'couldn't come at a better time'.
Dairy futures have rallied sharply, suggesting next week's world dairy auction will show a big rise.
Fonterra's Southland/Otago Head Mark Robinson chats to The Country Early Edition's Dom George about what's happening in his patch at the moment.