Fishing for fun: Kiwi birthright in peril or a sector that needs reeling in?
Recreational fishing is anything but relaxing if some weekend warriors are to be believed.
Recreational fishing is anything but relaxing if some weekend warriors are to be believed.
It's a key exporter, but is NZ's seafood industry steering the right course?
Fisheries NZ invites input to a new inshore fisheries plan.
Fishing company Sanford holds steady despite difficult financial year.
If we are to tackle this problem then we must do so in a united manner.
LegaSea has blasted bottom trawling as an indiscriminate fish harvesting process.
The future of a controversial move to introduce a marine reserve has been decided on.
Scientists are learning about how microplastics affect fish – by feeding it to them.
Conservation groups support moves to expand marine farming offshore, but have warnings.
"We didn't realise how big it was really until it hit the deck."
Interim measures to reduce the number of Hector's dolphin won't be enough, experts say.
Borrow pits rejuvenating the whitebait population. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
"Danielle" skipper Steve Harvey and crew hauled in a 230kg tuna last week.
The question of why you would want to skin a fish this way remains unanswered.
This enormous fish could sell for $100,000 if the Japanese market is interested.
Anglers say proposed legislation threatens the future of freshwater fishing in the Bay.
In Auckland the fish casualties include tarakihi, gurnard, trevally, hapuku and john dory.
Conservationists call for closure of commercial squid fishery after sea lions die
The kingfish so big you'll have to see to believe it was caught.
Investment specialist Mark Fowler argues that Government isn't helping the business.
Fisheries New Zealand wants people to have their say on proposed rule changes.
A monster from the sea has washed up near Wellington, we're not squidding!
Whitebaiting is about more than catching fish. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
MPI says payments for oyster farmers' biosecurity compensation claims aren't a given.
MPI found to have 'ignored the law' and was 'high-handed', say judges.
Could king salmon become "as big as dairy" for New Zealand? Pattrick Smellie investigates.
CEO of Sea Food NZ says code of conduct meeting was well received in Napier last week.
Vessel operators say no issue with cameras but who pays and where does the data go?
Fisheries report casts doubt on industry claims that hoki is being fished sustainably.
Northland skippers are the latest to back a NZ industry wide fisheries code of conduct.