Flood costs farming couple $1m as recovery grinds on
"Something's not quite right there, it's a bit of a kick in the head really."
"Something's not quite right there, it's a bit of a kick in the head really."
Robyn Pannett caught Covid-19 last year & is still feeling the impact of the virus today.
Final milk payout of nearly $700m in Northland despite lockdown tops last payment.
The fight against unworkable regulations continues for Groundswell NZ.
Taking a farmer off their property could create a lot of issues.
Nitrogen-leaching measurement software used by Horizons Regional Council isn't accurate.
''We will stop exporting, that is what will happen if we stay in level 4.''
They say storm-chasers talk the events up to be cataclysmic when they're not.
The bank says it could have better emphasised a more flexible timeframe.
Up to 18,000 migrant workers given more certainty by Government move.
'A bank may decide to withdraw products and services for commercial reasons.'
A warm autumn has ensured farmers are well placed to handle winter.
DoC says cancellation not a precedent for other river flat licences in South Westland.
50,000 hectares of privately owned Whangārei land has controversial SNA zonings
Northlanders opposed to SNA policy to march in protest.
Farmers urged to take extreme care and put their own safety first.
Floodwaters in Canterbury have exceeded warnings "by a huge magnitude", Fed Farmers says.
The campaign comes ahead of new rules on intensive winter grazing next year.
Northland farmers are anxious about policy they say alienates their property rights.
Former New Zealand First list MP was the only person nominated for the position.
Northlanders are concerned about alienation of their property rights through a new policy.
Concern grows with no rain on the horizon.
A partnership approach will protect the economic prosperity of regional towns.
Agriculture groups say Climate Change Commission too optimistic on potential for cuts.
About 250 operators are expected to apply for land use consent under the revised rules.
Former feds president is now chair of Predator Free South Westland.
Key focus of the seminar is to hear how Horizons intends on implementing the new regs.
Progressive Meats says staff shortage is "unprecedented" as workers choose to pick fruit.
Northland dairy farmers challenged to better their milk produce and be rewarded.
Rotorua companies had pivoted to make the most of every opportunity.