Latest fromFederated Farmers
India free trade deal could mean big things for NZ agriculture
A free trade deal with the highly protected Indian economy could mean big things for New Zealand agriculture exporters.
Livestock scheme gets mixed reaction
Most industry groups welcomed the Government's announcement today that it will make a livestock tracing scheme compulsory - and pay for it.
Govt may consider drought assistance
The Government is keeping close watch on the "big dry" in many regions and will consider drought assistance if conditions worsen, Agriculture Minister David Carter says.
Half of Fonterra's farmers should buy new shares
Half of Fonterra's farmers are expected to buy the additional shares being offered by from today, says Federated Farmers.
Govt sending Iwi to Copenhagen climate talks
Nick Smith says he makes no apologies for using taxpayers' money to send two Iwi Leadership Group members to the upcoming climate talks in Copenhagen.
You need the ETS, Key warns farmers
John Key warns farmers they reject a response to climate change at their peril - endangering their reputations, future incomes and the economy.
PM tells farmers to accept $3k ETS cost, stop moaning
John Key urged farmers to be less agitated about the ETS and tackling climate change in an address to Federated Farmers today.
Fed Farmers dairy boss responds to mistreatment reports
Federated Farmers Dairy chair Lachlan McKenzie responds to recent controversy over the mistreatment of animals on a NZ dairy farm.