Dialogue opens with urban Kiwis
Katie Milne has had a true baptism by fire since becoming president of Federated Farmers.
Katie Milne has had a true baptism by fire since becoming president of Federated Farmers.
COMMENT: Labour's water policy is not as difficult to understand as you might think.
Data from the recent Well-being survey, shows kiwis value farming more than rugby.
Ministry proposes giving councils the option of charging for monitoring activities
''Farmers are coping with day-to-day stuff well in the short term.''
Farmers are frustrated as they await results from cattle being tested for Mycoplasma bovis
Compared to 12 months ago, the proportion of farms making a profit has doubled.
A Fonterra and WRC manager who are brothers in law didn't think it was a conflict.
Farmers don't want a repeat of past seasons' winter blasts striking during lambing.
Today's panel - carrot grower Ron Frew and Hawkes Bay President of Fed Farmers Will Foley.
Weather, wool and the Ruataniwha dam are today's topics for the Fed Farmers President.
Katie Milne on becoming the first female national president of Federated Farmers.
Jon and Vicki Nicholls won 2017 West Coast/Top of the South Share Farmers of the Year
The number of farmers coming under "undue" pressure from their banks has eased
We yarn to first female president of Federated Farmers in 118 years.
Neil Filer, Tararua's new Federated Farmers president, says he loves dairy farming
West Coast dairy farmer Katie Milne is the new Federated Farmers' National President.
Federated Farmers hopes a deal with NZ Young Farmers will bring new blood to the group.
Water and pollution are shaping up to be a key issue come election time.
A dairy farm assistant ad warns of drug testing, minimum wage, and rodent visitors.
Rebekah and Dave Kelly were ready to "kick on and farm" When the Kaikoura quake hit.
As a former banker, Bruce Wills knows about numbers.
Farmers' environmental credentials have been under attack of late
ECan and ORC have different water quality approach says Nth Otago Fed Farmers president.
Richard Morrison is the new Federated Farmers Manawatu / Rangitikei president
Norm Davis' life sounds like something from a film script.
Consents given to firms to take our water opened taps on furious row.
Farmers may wait until spring for the water to subside. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
The decision marked a decade-long fight over land use in the Mackenzie Basin
There are fears flooding could affect next season's dairy production.