At the yards: In calf cows dominate at sale
The Rongotea sale today was dominated by a large number of in calf cows and heifers.
The Rongotea sale today was dominated by a large number of in calf cows and heifers.
Barber's pole parasite can be a killer in sheep and other animals.
Close to 300,000 stock units will be lost this year in Wairoa, Pongaroa and Wairarapa.
One couple have finally got there, despite being what they call 'farm orphans'.
Bob Burt was a Te Puke character well-known for his involvement in the kiwifruit industry.
Soil health damage during winter is a significant issue for the farming community.
Vines of the weed smother native plants and can injure animals.
Chances are you haven't heard of it before — but it's worth knowing about.
Farmers are being urged to do their bit to protect farms from damaging pest plants.
Hawke's Bay Regional Council is continuing its focus on grazing practices ahead of winter.
Don't let your cattle leave the farm without NAIT registration.
Corey Stephens became instant mates with a jersey calf named Baby Girl.
Tararua drivers will need to be aware herds are being moved during the next few weeks.
Dannevirke-bred Ruanui Terific DIESEL S3J is among CRV Ambreed's best graduate bull team.
Here's a way to identify gaps for you and your staff and create a plan that fills them.
AsureQuality paperwork now requires the latest info on your paddock histories.
Quality lambs continue to sell strongly at Stortford Lodge.
Rose Collis from Pahiatua has won a Freemasons' research scholarship worth $10,000.
Forestry Minister Shane Jones says sorry to farmers for referring to them as 'moaners'.
Short-term cattle were again in demand at Rongotea this week.
The importance of maintaining the region's flood defences can't be underestimated.
Farmers can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by looking at new biotech solutions.
The accolade was announced to some of the country's top bull breeders.
The Central Hawke's Bay District Council has identified Significant Natural Areas.
There were about 7000 lambs on offer to buyers from Hawke's Bay at Stortford Lodge.
Nick Wadworth still recalls the battles his dad had with controlling possums — and TB
Our farmers take their environmental responsibilities seriously.
Four years ago, Marcus Graham sold houses in Auckland - now he runs the family farm.
Dorothy Morris became a pioneer in New Zealand's kiwifruit industry.