Farmer distraught after grisly attack
Five sheep were attacked by dogs at the Bibby Lane paddock, leaving just one alive.
Five sheep were attacked by dogs at the Bibby Lane paddock, leaving just one alive.
Agriculture Minister says new bill will ease the burden on farmers.
COMMENT: Farming is a business like no other.
The Friel family of Kumeroa held the 34th annual sale for their Mt Mable Angus stud.
op bull — a rising two-year-old Dandeleith Intensity 730 — reached $15,000.
Initial computer tool attracts much interest at this year's Fieldays.
Dairy cows, both in calf and boner took up most of the pens at Rongotea.
Labour shortages are so bad that some food is left rotting says Simon Bridges.
If you are heading into trouble, contact your bank manager early.
Yearling bulls and R2 steers sold well at yesterday's Stortford Lodge sale.
Voting is officially open for the 2019 FMG Young Farmer of the Year People's Choice Award.
The Rural Support Trust has been a significant help to farming families.
Farming Friends of Hospice Whanganui still going strong after 14 years of giving.
West Australian farm girl Delma Dunham is well equipped to deliver Ag Challenge courses
Are trees killing the golden goose that lays the golden agricultural egg?
Newly-elected Ruapehu-Whanganui Rural Support Trust chair Brian Doughty reports for duty.
Billion trees protagonists can't see the wood for the trees, writes Iain Hyndman.
Given there's reasonable weather on the horizon, there's no excuse not to have a nosey.
Hawke's Bay's Smedley Station and Cadet Training Farm will expand in the coming months.
The effect of diet on dairy cow production will be explained at a field day in Dargaville.
The week-long event was a massive success and a great credit to the hosting centre.
Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones tells farmers they can't go it alone.
It was a typical winter Tiraumea day at Otapawa for the Annual Bull Sale on June 4.
Farmer sentiment is failing despite prospects of a strong milk price for 2019/20.
In a world seeing the rise of meatless meat, where does NZ's beef and lamb industry stand?
We say: Meat substitutes are changing trends in West but global consumption still rising.
The good, the bad and the busy: Tauranga couple reflect on their long, loving marriage.
Outrage after inner city farm announced it would slaughter three cows.
The preschooler's sudden death has been referred to the Coroner.
There are two main methods of valuing livestock on hand at year-end for tax purposes.