Latest fromFarming

India free trade deal could mean big things for NZ agriculture
A free trade deal with the highly protected Indian economy could mean big things for New Zealand agriculture exporters.

Research leads to possible emissions breakthrough
NZ researchers may have discovered a breathrough for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Farmers warn of pylon standoffs
A farmers' group in the Waikato has given warning that an $824m pylon project due to start next month may lead to standoffs with Transpower.

Fonterra's farmers inject $270m
Fonterra has raised about $270 million from its farmer shareholders.

Fonterra raises $270 million from its farmers
Fonterra says around one third of its farmer shareholders have spent $270.7 million buying up new shares in the co-operative.

Carter Holt in $225m dairy farm sell-off
Carter Holt Harvey is putting 29 dairy farms on the market, asking $224.5 million in the biggest single offering of farm land seen in NZ.

Anger rises over 'factory farming'
The Govt has discussed intervening on large-scale proposals to farm cows in cubicles, as pressure grows from critics labelling it "factory farming".

Govt may consider drought assistance
The Government is keeping close watch on the "big dry" in many regions and will consider drought assistance if conditions worsen, Agriculture Minister David Carter says.

<i>Green Business: </i>Commonsense Organics growing strong
Organic food can now properly be considered an essential rather than a luxury, says the owner of an expanding chain of organic grocery stores.

Lost in the meat-eaters' moral maze
Independent columnist Amy Jenkins on why she plans to cut down her meat and dairy intake this year.

AgResearch's new farm pushing for cleaner dairying
The science going on at AgResearch's new farm at Tokanui may help New Zealand's dairy farms run in a more sustainable fashion.