<i>Richard Fyers:</i> Overseas buyers a blessing to struggling farms
Contrary to public opinion, there is no queue of foreigners to buy farmland in New Zealand.
Contrary to public opinion, there is no queue of foreigners to buy farmland in New Zealand.
Harvard University's endowment fund has been given approval to buy a $28m Otago dairy farm.
Three companies are trying again to secure land use rights for large-scale dairy farming in the Omarama and Ohau regions.
A trans fat found in NZ dairy products is derived from palm kernel feed being given to NZ cows, new research suggests.
Critics say the Govt's planned rule changes on the sale of farmland to foreign investors are too vague, weak and prone to political pressure.
The Government has tightened foreign investment rules around the potential sale of big chunks of farmland to overseas buyers.
Up to 11 species of beetle may be introduced to NZ.
Fonterra has unveiled its second highest ever farmer payout, at $6.70 per kilo of milksolid, and says profits are up 12pc.