Latest fromFarming

Dairy prices continue decline
International dairy prices fell for the third time in a row at this morning’s GlobalDairyTrade auction.

Farm sales robust
The rural property market has remained remarkably resilient in the face of lower farm-gate prices and dry summer conditions, with prices - by some measures - returning to pre-global financial crisis....

Sanford looks to lay off 232 Chch staff
Sanford, New Zealand's largest listed fishing group, is in consultations with 232 staff who look likely to lose their jobs at the company.

World dairy prices slide 10.8pc
Dairy product prices declined in the latest GlobalDairyTrade auction, led by a slump in prices for butter milk powder and whole milk powder.

Dairy sector tipped to deal with EU boost
The dairy industry can weather the prospect of increased production from the EU once quotas are lifted on April 1, says the chief executive of the farmer-funded DairyNZ.

Fonterra expected to hold forecast
Economists expect Fonterra to stick with its $4.70 per kg farm gate milk price forecast for 2014/15 when it reports its first-half result tomorrow.

Dairy farmers pin hopes on dividend
Farmers will be looking to Fonterra's dividend to at least partially offset what is likely to be a low farmgate milk price this season after dairy prices fell by 8.8 per cent.

Jamie Gray: Wild swings look like becoming part of the landscape
Just when you thought it was safe to venture into the dairy market, prices drop by 8.8 per cent.

Winning streak over as dairy prices fall
International dairy prices fell by 8.8 per cent at this morning's GlobalDairyTrade auction - the first sale to be held since the 1080 infant formula scare.

Cyclone Pam brings relief for farmers
Cyclone Pam has come with a silver lining for many farmers, bringing much-needed rain to most parts of the North Island.

Dairy auction prices keep firming
Dairy prices firmed at the latest GlobalDairyTrade auction, backing expectations that Fonterra will meet its $4.70 a kg farmgate milk price this season, but concerns remain about muted demand from....

Dairy prices up 1.1pc overnight
Dairy product prices rose in the latest overnight GlobalDairyTrade auction.

Can foreign owners save our country?
If your stance on foreign ownership of prized New Zealand countryside is black or white, the case of Robert "Mutt" Lange reveals issues that are far from clear-cut.

Fonterra 'on track' to hit payout
Fonterra chief financial officer Lukas Paravicini rejects the notion that the co-operative is playing safe in keeping this season's farm gate milk price forecast at $4.70 a kilogram of milksolids.

High country's 'jewel' for sale
The historic Craigieburn Station, in the central Canterbury foothills, has come up for sale for the first time in 98 years.

Forecast brighter for Fonterra
Fonterra's board will have reason for cautious optimism when it meets tomorrow to review its farmgate milk price forecast for 2014/15.

Dairy prices surge at latest auction
Dairy prices posted their fifth consecutive gain at this morning’s GlobalDairyTrade auction.

LIC aims for $1 billion revenue
Livestock Improvement Corp will set off on a "roadshow" in June to sound out its farmer-shareholders about the possibility of raising capital to drive growth.

Economics of cow barns clear as mud
The jury is still out on the feasibility of cow barns for New Zealand farming, according to a DairyNZ study.

Genetics firm's profit up
Livestock Improvement Corp, a farmer co-operative that sells bull semen and provides a dairy genetics database, posted a 10 per cent gain in first-half profit on increased demand for its products and....