WATCH flying farmer - NZ's coolest commute?
Watch the exclusive video of Canterbury dairy farmer Harry Meijer who's come up with an innovative way to get to work each morning.
Watch the exclusive video of Canterbury dairy farmer Harry Meijer who's come up with an innovative way to get to work each morning.
As Fonterra's NZX-listed units languish near an all-time low, analysts say the market will remain cool on the dairy giant.
Fonterra Co-operative Group has put on hold plans to develop an Equity Partnership Trust that would have given its 10,500 farmer suppliers access to investor capital to help them with the compulsory....
Concentrating on marketing its cuts rather than processing them is paying dividends for a niche meat exporter.
Germany is the largest export market for New Zealand onions, followed by Indonesia and Japan.
Pressure is building on Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings as the dairy industry faces up to a winter of discontent, writes Liam Dann.
Jamie Gray writes: For Fonterra's farmers, investors and employees the severity of the dairy downturn will become clear early next month.
Silver Fern Farms, NZ's biggest meat processor says it is considering raising $100m in fresh capital.
France's meat and dairy producers halted traffic and blocked tourist sites in several regions to protest low prices.
Chief Theo Spierings admits news unsettling for staff as co-op tries to reduce its payroll bill by up to $60m a year.
Liam Dann says axing 523 jobs may make financial sense to Fonterra's chiefs but the dairy slump is bigger than that.
Fonterra's board will consider its current farm gate milk price forecast for 2015/6 at its next meeting on August 7, a spokesman for the co-operative said.
Dairy prices have plunged in the latest world dairy auction, taking the Kiwi dollar down with it.
The prices eased in the first sale of the new 2015/16 season as demand weakened.
"It's pretty negative, there's a lot of selling in the futures and there's not much buying - this market looks completely stuffed."
There's so much milk flowing out of US cows these days that some is ending up in dirt pits because dairies can't find buyers.
The New Zealand dollar fell after prices for the nation's largest commodity export declined in the latest GlobalDairyTrade auction overnight.
The price for NZ's key dairy export, whole milk powder, is set to decline further at tonight's GlobalDairyTrade auction.
Dairy prices eased at the latest GlobalDairyTrade (GDT) auction but the sale gave away little on where the market, and interest rates, will go in the months ahead.
Silver Fern shareholders are seeking to force a special meeting to discuss the benefits of a merger with Alliance Group.
Dairy farm prices eased in the three months to May according to REINZ's latest rural report.
Dairy prices slipped again at this morning's GlobalDairyTrade auction, the GDT price index falling by 1.3 per cent.
Opposition parties have labelled Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings' $4.18m salary as "absurd".
Farmers have overcome the shell shock of very low milk prices to turn out in force at Fieldays - New Zealand's biggest agricultural event.
Media were told that hundreds of Fonterra jobs were to be axed, hours before staff heard the news.
Bill English says that while the dairy industry was an important one, it was not necessarily as big as many thought.
A national programme to address rural depression will be developed in recognition of challenging times for farmers including volatility in milk prices.
ProTen, an Australian chicken farming business whose shares trade on New Zealand's Unlisted market, raised A$34 million ($36.5 million) to fund growth and repay financing.