2D trees lead to boost in yield for fruit growers
"For apples, it's about double and for cherries, it's about a 50 per cent increase."
"For apples, it's about double and for cherries, it's about a 50 per cent increase."
Southland shearer the favourite to win the PGG Wrightson Vetmed National Shearing Circuit.
Scientists have welcomed the EPA's new clarification of GMO-derived 'null segregants'.
'There's a lot saying how they’re hating going out into the orchard at the moment.'
Cow 569's story became a tale of survival from the lower North Island floods of 2004.
Five generations of the Gardyne family had been growing oats north of Gore since 1876.
Five events last weekend as hundreds hit the road heading for the 'Wimbledon of Shearing'.
LIC focused on implementing recommendations of an independent review.
Awards to celebrate the rural sports community during NZ Rural Games weekend.
A river threatening the Franz Josef sewerage ponds has suddenly changed its course.
Are you eating the whole melon? Here's why you should eat the rind.
The state-owned enterprise has improved it full-year forecast.
Pleasant Point young farmer and first-time competitor earns a spot at grand final.
The initiative was created by farmers and is supported by Taranaki Catchment Communities.
PGG Wrightson said it was in the company's best interests to have an NZ-based chair.
Long grass is being turned into hay on a busy Bay of Plenty roundabout.
Highly invasive moth can wreak havoc on maize and sweetcorn crops.
“Finding different ways to diversify will ensure we can keep farming into the future.”
Mark Patterson and Todd McClay will tour woolsheds across NZ over the next three months.
DCANZ says financial losses as a result of Canada breaching the CPTPP continue to grow.
E Tipu is organised by Christchurch-based company Boma.
Luxon says agriculture is 'the backbone of the New Zealand economy' at Gore event.
This delicious Mediterranean dish has nuanced flavours and hearty ingredients.
Council keeping a close eye on the weather forecasts and projected rainfalls.
'We would like to get as many Mid Canterbury farmers as possible trying out surfing.'
OPINION: Few reviews give insights that farmers can use.
'My Red Bands were not enough to walk around in, it was a struggle'.
Ralph Smith, 76, and Jim Comrie, 79, come to the rescue at the Arapohue Show Shears.
Farmers holding onto stock for longer may cause problems along the chain.
'My father set up this business about 50 years ago and we’re starting from the bottom.'