Inside Economics: Could synthetic milk sink the dairy industry?
Could fake milk ruin our economy, and what should we make of the latest tech 'hype cycle'?
Could fake milk ruin our economy, and what should we make of the latest tech 'hype cycle'?
“They treat their pets very much like you treat a child."
Dairy Women's Network welcomes new farmers to Waipā.
Winners across nine categories were announced at the sixth annual awards.
Nearly all prices took a nosedive in the latest Global Dairy Trade auction.
Enjoy the most luxurious ranch experience that the Northern Territory has to offer.
Todd McClay, Ray Smith, Julian Raine, Stefan Vogel, Kerry Worsnop.
Ray Logan has had enough of the "over-the-top" use of road cones at the Ashburton Domain.
Bruce Stephenson of Stephenson Transport said the outcome was not surprising.
Farmers pleased proposed law change to keep ag out of the ETS passed its first reading.
Australia to outlaw live sheep exports by sea.
Buick wins the open final but Scotland takes the Joe Te Kapa Memorial Trophy.
Phil Duncan, Damien O'Connor, Dame Susan Devoy, Mahé Drysdale, Rowena Duncum.
Simon Marshall was presented with the award at the sheep and beef vets conference.
Professor Mark Howden said basing a goal on no added heating was 'actually confusing'.
As a vital shareholder meeting approaches, China's Bright Dairy says Synlait can survive.
A wealth of expertise may be lost from NZ’s food sector if a funding lifeline isn't found.
Pastures Past: "A young lady fortunately fell clear of hoofs and wheels."
Ocean Farm is the end of the line for the wastewater treatment for Ashburton.
'The bulls were like peas in a pod right through the catalogue'
Relaxing rules around developing wetlands is “common sense”.
Wayne Langford, Winston Peters, Kate Acland, Jane Smith, Chris Brandolino, Chris Russell.
'I drove past and looked at them and thought ‘crap they are going to have to move’.'
The awards celebrate the successes of Fonterra’s manufacturing sites across the country.
The Government is expected to introduce legislation to Parliament next year.
Panel to be chaired by former climate change commissioner and respected farmer.
Govt committed to a 'fair and sustainable pricing system for on-farm emissions by 2030'.
Financial Times: Concerns protectionist policies are exacerbating inflation,
Farmer Wayne Langford and his wife Tyler talk about their struggles with depression.
Spring Sheep says the response to its grass-fed range in the US has been phenomenal.