Latest fromFarmers

Compost, chooks and a lavender still: Inside an Enviroschool
Brunswick School shows how learning, growing, and caring for the environment can be fun.

S&P says Fonterra’s balance sheet can handle Mainland sale
Fonterra's balance sheet will offset the impact of its planned sale Mainland, S&P says.

Blair McLean talks wine on The Country
Chris Brandolino, Blair McLean, Kevin Smiley Barrett, Stu Duncan, Stu Loe, Barry Soper.

Northlanders make finals in Young Māori Farmer Award
Two Northland men are among leading three in this year's Young Māori Farmer Award

Peter and Michelle Pan Auckland Farm Environment Awards winners
Healthy and Fresh specialises in leafy greens and melons, cultivating 30 varieties.

Matthew Hooton: Luxon’s India trade push could secure second term
OPINION: The PM might gain from trying the same approach he used in New Delhi back home.

'True industry leaders': Rob and Mandy Pye win Northland Farm Environment Awards
The Pyes are strongly committed to animal health, the environment and the community.

The Country: Miles Hurrell on Fonterra's half-year result
Miles Hurrell, Sandra Matthews, Peter Newbold, Chris Russell, and Jeremy Rookes.

Farmer confidence on The Country
Bruce Weir, Mike McIntyre, Karen Williams, Andy Borland, and Hunter McGregor.

'It wears everyone out': Drought taking its toll on farmers
'As farmers, we love our stock and want to keep them going.'

Flat result in latest Global Dairy Trade auction
The Global Dairy Trade auction recorded a 0.0% result overnight.

Economy in line for $10 billion boost if farmgate milk price stays high
A back-to-back $10/kg milk price would put money in farmers' back pockets.

Todd McClay talks trade with India on The Country
Todd McClay, Damien O'Connor, Matt Chisholm, Dr Jacqueline Rowarth, and Todd Clark.

Farming Women Tairāwhiti seeks members for discussion group
FWT group inclusive of women at all stages of their farming lives

Food for thought: Could you eat only food produced near you?
Opinion: “Locavore March” is promoted as the new way of eating with the mind engaged.

'It's getting scary now': Drought-hit farmers face harsh winter
'At the end of the day, everyone takes their turn at a bad season - this is ours.'

Northland share farmers of the year are Kaitāia couple
Far North couple are 2025 Northland share farmers of the year.

NZ blueberries ripe for expansion
New Zealand produced about 4000 tonnes of blueberries in 2023/2024 on 1000 hectares.

Golden Shears champ shines at Warkworth A&P Show
All the shearing action from the Warkworth and Methven A & P Shows.

Family fun at the Waiau A&P Show
'It’s always had an atmosphere of being a friendly show.'