Apple doesn't fall far from the tree for Young Grower of the Year
'I grew up in horticulture on my family’s orchards.'
'I grew up in horticulture on my family’s orchards.'
Many growers have had two seasons in a row without making any profit.
Phil Duncan, Jeremy Rookes, Kate Acland, Luke Chandler, Chanelle O'Sullivan.
Champs on November 14-15 — the Thursday and Friday of the traditional show week.
'Our returns are down, our costs are up, and there’s very little spare cash.'
It was one of a spate of burglaries at rural properties in the area.
OPINION: Farmers have an awful lot of risks to consider.
It's less than a week to go until Fieldays kicks off for the 56th time.
"The Chinese gooseberry could very easily be cultivated commercially."
Gisborne-Wairoa Fed back calls for an independent inquiry in rural banking
Tony Williams says the wool auction system does not serve farmers well.
The students have been raising native seedlings in a greenhouse at their school.
Shane Jones, Leonie Guiney, Jen Corkran, Chris Brandolino, Barry Soper.
On-farm inflation has dropped but farm input prices continue to pressure profitability.
New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Inc says a record 193 million trays have been submitted.
Do you have weirdly shaped fruit? Wonky Box wants to hear from you.
The stock has been the market’s strongest performer to date.
China's marriage rate plummeted in grim Covid restrictions.
Police are urging livestock owners to secure their fences after a spate of crashes.
OPINION: At its heart, Fieldays is about innovation.
Less feeder calves as autumn calving winds down.
Miraka will pay its suppliers a base price, which has been set at $8.25/kgMS.
David Seymour, Jane Smith, Anna Palairet, Peter Nation, Phil Ropiha.
Rural community groups are encouraged to enter Rabobank’s Good Deeds competition.
'We need HortNZ to be out there advocating for and supporting our needs.'
Viatina-19 FIV Mara Moveis is the most expensive cow ever sold at auction.
OPINION: The issues facing the region’s farmers extend beyond Cyclone Gabrielle.
Richardson will be replaced by Leon Fung.
The cash-strapped dairy company Synlait can be restored, he says.