Steers: 2yr, T and E Chatterton, Te Aute Rd, seven crossbred, av weight, 491kg, 266c/kg, $1310/head. Yrling, R Beattie, Middle Rd, five here-fries, av weight, 287kg, 338c/kg, $970/head; Mesa Farm, Maraekakaho, 12 here-fries, av weight, 286kg, 338c/kg, $970/head.
Bulls: Yrling, Opoho Stn, Wairoa, 15 fries, av weight, 332kg, 311c/kg, $1035/head; 15 the same, av weight, 325kg, 314c/kg, $1020/head; 15 the same, av weight, 337kg, 308c/kg, $1040/head; 15 the same, av weight, 331kg, 310c/kg, $1030/head; Bayfruit, Raukawa, six fries, av weight, 210kg, 353c/kg, $745/head.
Heifers: Braesomar Ltd, Tutira, 10 2yr ang, av weight, 410kg, 294c/kg, $1210/head; R Beattie, Middle Rd, seven dairy-cross, av weight, 250kg, 347c/kg, $870/head.
Ewes with lambs at foot: Sentry Hill, Makaretu, 98 ewes, 106 b/f lambs, $88 all counted; 63 ewes, 83 b/f, $85.50; Alton Farm, Wairoa, 56 ewes, 92 b/f , $82.50; Drummond Contractors, Takapau, 48 ewes, 48 lambs, $104; 16 ewes, 23 lambs, $104; H Pickett, Wairoa, 35 ewes, 60 b/f, $77.50; 28 ewes, 43 b/f, $80; 30 ewes, 43 b/f, $76; 35 ewes, 58 b/f, $77.50; 37 ewes, 45 b/f, $78.50; Gibb Aero, Maraetotara, 14 ewes, 14 lambs, $84; Glenfalls, Te Pohue, 25 ewes, 20 lambs, $74; Wool World, Meeanee, 22 ewes, 30 lambs, $74; K Carney, Pakowhai, 10 ewes, 11 lambs, $82.
Lambs: R and M Sherratt, Hatuma, 228 ram, $156; 66 ram, $138; Pukearoha Farm, Otamauri, 186 male, $143; 85 male, $155.50; Iwinui Station, Tolaga, Bay,158 male, $117; 351 male, $90; 119 male, $73; B and E Tuanui, Whakapirau, 153 c/o, $147.50; R Hunt, Havelock North, 86 ewe, $157; R and D Taylor, Haumoana, 140 ewe, $157.20; Waipiropiro Station, Poukawa, 62 male, $147.50; 58 ewe, $137.50; C and S Cutbush, Norsewood, 105 ewe, $120.50; I and P Reube, 103 c/0, $127; Kairongoa Farm, Elsthorpe, 52 male, Waimara Farm, Wairoa, 76 male, $166; 4 Kings, Elsthorpe, 65 ewe, $119.50.
Prime sale
Heavy cattle sold well but prime lamb prices reflected the varying quality of the big offering of more than 2500 head.
The offering of 36 head was mostly cows, some of which reached 700kg.
Ewe prices remained firm for a smaller offering than the last few weeks.
Agents put the easing lamb prices down to the size of the offering and the number of store-quality pens.
Cows: (Ang, sth dev, here, jersey) Av weight, 470kg to 700kg, 184c/kg to 230c/kg, $897/head to $1621/head.
Heifers: (Ang) Av weight, 542kg, 610kg, 303c/kg, 304c/kg, $1647/head, $1848/head.
Oxen: (Ang, ang-here) Av weight, 655kg, 656kg, 312.5c/kg, 316.5c/kg, $2045/head, $2077/head.
Ewes: Slipe, heavy, $146; good, $130 to $132, med, $129; lighter, $112; 2th, $104. Shorn, good, $131; med, $125; lighter $92. Woolly, med, $124 to $129; lighter, $108.
Lambs: Male, $139 to $191; b/f, $160. Ewe, $122 to $175; b/f, $147.50. M/s, $136.50 to $4170.50; b/f, $149, $150.50.