The wetland by Katikati's striking 3m-high sculpture of The Pioneers in Talisman Drive has become the flagship and launch project for Katikati Taiao.
The $60,000 Pioneer Wetland Project is to be partly funded by $19,000 from the Western Bay of Plenty District Council's Community Matching Fund, with support and input from the Uretara Estuary Managers, Katikati Open-Air Art, Katikati Community Board and Katikati Taiao, partnering with Council Utilities department.
Councillor Peter Mackay says the purpose of the Community Matching Fund is to offer committed community groups a hand up with projects that already have a good measure of "sweat equity" built into the planning stage.
"The aim from a Council perspective is to see a win-win community outcome for each grant made. This proposed Katikati project met the criteria for the environmental enhancement section of the Matching Fund and demonstrated that it included a well planned community driven programme, the results of which will see our citizens enjoying a much more attractive, environmentally enhanced piece of land that is close to the Katikati town centre."
Some weed trees have been removed followed by a cleanup and replanting to make way for a new board-walk with bench seat that will lead through the wetland to a crossing on Beach Road. This will link the Birdwalk to the town centre.