One of the indicators is the level of the Mangateretere Stream, which has dropped to near its minimum level, triggering the first stage of restrictions.
Putting low level restrictions in at this stage should help ensure that higher level restrictions are less likely to be imposed further into summer. "But that, of course, is going to depend a lot on the weather. We do encourage everyone to plan their watering to fit within the restrictions and to get the most out of it for their plants," said Council's works and services committee chairman Kevin Watkins.
"This is not about a shortage of water; rather we need to ensure is that our water use is sustainable and that we all have the access we need," he said.
Council is reviewing its watering programmes for its parks and gardens in the same way that gardeners are being asked to.
Hours of watering are being reduced and moved to the coolest times of the day at parks and gardens supplied from the public system.
Some public parks and private green spaces, including the Hawke's Bay Racecourse and the A&P Showgrounds, have their own bores and so are not subject to the restrictions.
Tips for saving water (inside the home)
•Check for leaks and fix any leaking taps, pipes or cisterns.
•Use 'eco' settings on dishwashers and washing machines if available and don't run them unless they are full
•Scrape dirty dishes rather than rinsing
•Turn off taps while brushing teeth
•Take shorter showers
•Limit toilet flushing: if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown . . .
•Store drinking water in the fridge instead of running the tap cold
Tips for saving water (outside the home)
•Follow the water restrictions; sprinklers and hoses every second day (odd number homes on odd dates; even number homes on even dates – between 6am and 8am and 7pm and 9pm)
•Don't water the concrete, use a directional sprinkler
•Reuse 'grey water' from the washing machine on lawns and gardens where possible
•Use a bucket of water when washing the car, rather than the hose
•Use a broom to clean paths rather than hosing