Listen to FMG Young Farmer of the Year Contest chair Bexx Brown talk to The Country's Rowena Duncum about Dangen's historic win below:
Contestants in the Waikato/Bay of Plenty regional final had to tackle a series of gruelling modules, including a fast-paced agri-knowledge quiz.
"We had to develop an international marketing pitch for a New Zealand smoothie product and construct a roadside stall to sell vegetables," said Dangen.
"We also had to assess the weight and age of dairy goats and determine the annual income from each doe. I really enjoyed that module," she said.
Dangen's parents and her brother, who farm at Muriwai northwest of Auckland, and her fiancé Chris Poole were in the audience.
Emma Dangen with her parents. Photo / Supplied
The win netted her $12,000 worth of prizes, including an XR150 Honda farm bike.
She also picked up the innovation prize and the award for showcasing food production.
Dangen has worked as a vet at Vetora in Te Awamutu since January this year, after completing a Bachelor of Veterinary Science at Massey University.
She lives with her fiancé on a 750 cow dairy farm at Pirongia.
Contract milker Josh Cozens, 30, who represented the region at the grand final last year, came second.