Centuries of inter-tribe friendship were sealed on Saturday with the unveiling of Te Aroha carved pou in Waihi.
The Maori-owned Te Aroha dairy farm was gifted to Tuhourangi iwi from Te Arawa (Rotorua) after the volcanic eruption of Mount Tarawera on June 10, 1886.
Tikanga expert Pouroto Ngaropo said the pou recognises the connection between iwi from Hauraki and Rotorua.
"Our ancestor Tuhourangi migrated with his children, eventually to the thermal area in Rotorua. Later on, they settled near Lake Tarawera and became part of the local people."
After the eruption of 1886, Tuhourangi people were left landless.
"The survivors saw their homes, cultivation and all way of life destroyed ... They had nowhere to go," he said.