The costs incurred in shearing crossbred sheep are starting to seriously impede the profitability of sheep farming, ANZ's latest Agri Focus report says.
Strong wool prices were at the lowest level recorded this decade while shearing costs accelerated, a trend that would only continue. Returns were "absolutely dismal" and that situation was unlikely to improve significantly until existing stocks had cleared, the report said.
Wool had built up throughout the pipeline with in-market stocks elevated, local wool stores full and product starting to pile up in wool sheds.
End-user demand for coarse wool remained tied to carpet production. Wool carpets were generally still expensive relative to synthetic carpet which would make selling wool products even more challenging as global economic conditions imploded.
"At some point the environmentally sustainable values of wool will drive improved demand, but until we are able to find a way to tell this story to a wider audience this product will remain undervalued," the report said.