An exceptional quality yarding of more than 1000 head sold on a firm market at Stortford Lodge yesterday.
Agents said the overall quality of the mostly angus yarding was the best seen in some time. Heifers in particular sold well.
Store lambs were also up slightly on last week's dismal effort as outside buyers came to Hawke's Bay looking for bargains.
Cows and calves: M Raroa, Tikitiki, 20 here-fries, 20 calves, av weight, 558kg, 227c/kg, $1270/head; Glentui P/ship, Tikokino, five simm-cross heifers, five calves, av weight, 651kg, 214c/kg, $1395/head; M Raroa, Tikitiki, nine empty fries-cross, rwb, av weight, 511kg, 168c/kg, $860/head.
Steers: 2½yr, P O'Sullivan, Crownthorpe, 24 ang, av weight, 600kg, 286c/kg, $1720/head; 16 the same, av weight, 655kg, 280c/kg, $1835/head; 23 the same, av weight, 497kg, 303c/kg, $1510/head; nine the same, av weight, 632kg, 291c/kg, $1842/head; Parkstone Ltd, Haumoana, 27 ang, av weight, 568kg, 288c/kg, $1640/head; Waiotea Station, Mohaka, 24 ang, av weight, 513kg, 300c/kg, $1540/head; 34 the same, av weight, 505kg, 299c/kg, $1515/head; I Waldrom, Waipawa, 20 ang, av weight, 409kg, 295c/kg, $1208/head; A Black, Nuhaka, 13 ang, av weight, 496kg, 274c/kg, $1360/head; 23 the same, av weight, 480kg, 307c/kg, $1475/head; Viewhill Family Trust, Puketapu, 15 ang and sth dev, av weight, 598kg, 276c/kg, $1655/head; Glendale Station, Mangleton, seven ang-here, av weight, 558kg, 286c/kg, $1600/head; J Emmerson, Pakipaki, 12 ang and ang-here, av weight, 517kg, 282c/kg, $1460/head; five here-cross, av weight, 577kg, 262c/kg, $1515/head; Leafield, Otane, 17 ang-here, av weight, 518kg, 290c/kg, $1507/head; five the same, av weight, 416kg, 272c/kg, $1135/head; Fruitstock, Raukawa, 17 fries-cross, av weight, 562kg, 251c/kg, $1415/head; seven dairy-cross, av weight, 529kg, 257c/kg, $1360/head; Willow Tree Farm, Matapiro, 14 here-fries, av weight, 363kg, 289c/kg, $1050/head; five the same, av weight, 508kg, 283c/kg, $1440/head; Titoki Trust, Raukawa, seven fries, av weight, 520kg, 250c/kg, $1300/head; G Lagos, Rissington, five crossbred, av weight, 483kg, 225c/kg, $1088/head. 18mnth, Emerald Hill, Waihau, 40 ang, av weight, 398kg, 259c/kg, $1032/head; 31 the same, av weight, 419kg, 290c/kg, $1157/head; Pleasant Valley Holdings, Waiwhare, 34 15mnth ang, av weight, 400kg, 302c/kg, $1210/head; Paige Hill, Mangatahi, 31 ang, av weight, 368kg, 296c/kg, $1092/head; 10 ang-cross, av weight, 405kg, 288c/kg, $1170/head; Mangatapiri Station, Elsthorpe, 26 ang, av weight, 314kg, 302c/kg, $950/head; Waikare Station, Elsthorpe, 14 ang and here-cross, av weight, 336kg, 290c/kg, $975/head; Mangakuri Station, Elsthorpe, 21 ang and ang-here, av weight, 345kg, 295c/kg, $1020/head; eight ang, av weight, 296kg, 319c/kg, $945/head; Marotane Farm, Mangatarata, 16 ang, av weight, 421kg, 285c/kg, $1205/head; 20 the same, av weight, 364kg, 293c/kg, $1070/head; Waipiropiro Station, Poukawa, 11 ang, av weight, 260kg, 314c/kg, $820/head; six the same, av weight, 224kg, 303c/kg, $680/head; Willow Tree Farm, Matapiro, 10 ang and sth dev, av weight, 274kg, 293c/kg, $805/head; Hau Ora, Havelock North, 12 fries-cross, av weight, 219c/kg, 218c/kg, $480/head; Mulcaster Farms, Ngatarawa, 12 ang and ang-cross, av weight, 368kg, 279c/kg, $1030/head; A Galvan, Wairoa, five 15mnth ang, av weight, 346kg, 289c/kg, $1000/head.
Heifers: 2½yr, Lynmar Farms, Sherenden, 30 here-fries, av weight, 491kg, 262c/kg, $1290/head; 23 the same, av weight, 447kg, 264c/kg, $1185/head; Tahara Trust, Aorangi Rd, 25 ang-here, av weight, 478kg, 265c/kg, $1270/head; Tarifa Trust, Salisbury Rd, six here-fries, av weight, 481kg, 263c/kg, $1270/head; P and L O'Rourke, Rissington, 10 fries, av weight, 415kg, 197c/kg, $820/head. 18mnth, Black Stag, Tutira, 26 ang, av weight, 510kg, 269c/kg, $1375/head; Emerald Hill, Waihau, 26 charo-cross, av weight, 404kg, 281c/kg, $1140/head; Hayward Standring Ltd, Wairoa, 29 15mnth fries, av weight, 264kg, 287c/kg, $760/head; 36 here-fries, av eight, 232kg, 284c/kg, $660/head; Mangakuri Station, Elsthorpe, 32 ang, av weight, 302kg, 295c/kg, $892/head; Waipiropiro Station, Poukawa, 18 ang, av weight, 298kg, 288c/kg, $860/head; 22 the same, av weight, 275kg, 290c/kg, $800/head.
Bulls: 2½yr, Limestone Ridge, Sherenden, 19 fries, av weight, 490kg, 260c/kg, $1277/head; P Collins, Lindsay Rd, eight fries, av weight, 467kg, 255c/kg, $1190/head. 18mnth, Glendale Station, Mangleton, 16 charo-cross, av weight, 443kg, 275c/kg, $1220/head.