''It's an awesome display. Most enjoyable,'' he said.
Miss Genevieve, owned by Diana Puru, won the fancy bantam frizzle pullet section.
Christchurch Poultry Pigeon and Bantam Club president Mark Lilley, of Rolleston, was among the many entrants who returned home with accolades.
He received the coveted Peerless Trophy, something he had wanted to win since it was rediscovered in an attic five years ago, ending an almost 50-year mystery as to its whereabouts.
Lauren Spicer (left) and Diana Puru take part in the Timaru Poultry Pigeon and Caged Bird Show.
''It ended up being found about five years ago in a ceiling space when a lady passed away and her kids were cleaning up her house,'' Mr Lilley said.
-By Alexia Johnston
Angus Leary (7), of Geraldine, visits the West End Hall.