Phillip Nikora, from NorthTec Tai Tokerau Wānanga, said he thinks the course is successful because of the strong relationships between stakeholders, whānau and the course participants.
“There is so much support here for these graduates. By receiving the certificate, they’ve proven they can do the mahi, and even if it’s not in the conservation or forestry sector, it shows they can train and are willing to learn.”
The graduation was emceed by Te Kāhui Maru Trust chief executive Anara Marshall. He said the graduates can be proud of how far they’ve come.
“Today is about celebrating how far they have come and their achievements.”
Head tutor Dave Hare spoke at the graduation, explaining how the course has grown since it started in 2019.
“I had spoken to Anaru about the opportunities in the environmental space for rangatahi. The course prioritises rangatahi first, whānau second and then job opportunities third. I’ve had the help of Shane Hape to tutor the students, and that help has been instrumental to the course’s success.”
He said tikanga is an important part of the course, with the participants learning their pepeha, a waiata and a haka. Steve Robinson, of Tree Machine Services, provides pastoral care for the students, and Tupu ā Nuku, a Taranaki environmental workforce development programme led by Ngāti Maru, also provides pastoral care and cultural input, not just during the course, but after as well.
He said the pastoral care doesn’t stop once the graduates have completed the course, continuing for 18 months as the graduates look for work and start employment.
South Taranaki Mayor Phil Nixon said he is pleased the South Taranaki District Council supports the programme through the Mayors Task Force For Jobs programmes.
“I love how this course encompasses everything. You have the tutors, pastoral support and also tikanga. It includes the whole wrap-around care.”
Volzke also spoke at the graduation ceremony.
“When we put our resources together, we can achieve more than what we do apart. This course is proof of that.”