A grant of up to $50,000 from the Irrigation Acceleration Fund will help identify economic growth opportunities for the Bay of Plenty through a water study focused on effective water use and sustainable options for development in the region.
The funding was announced on Friday by Economic Development Minister Simon Bridges and Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy at the 2017 annual Bay of Connections and Regional Growth Programme forum, where a refreshed Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Economic Action Plan was also released.
Ministry for Primary Industries Deputy Director-General Sector Partnerships and Programmes, Ben Dalton, says water is fundamental for environmental sustainability and economic growth.
"A good water management strategy will ensure appropriate use of water and improved environmental outcomes in the region. Those who have access to water have a collective responsibility to monitor and maintain it for the benefit of everyone, whether their use is for economic, environmental or recreational purposes.
"Freshwater is an important enabler for economic growth and is the cornerstone of many key industries such as agribusiness, horticulture, Maori land utilisation and tourism. The study will support future growth in the Bay of Plenty."