The Lower Mangapiko Streamcare group, formed in 2006, is working with local landowners, Waikato Regional Council and Waipā District Council to stop the spread of the invasive tree species Japanese walnut (Juglans ailantifolia).
The invasive tree has spread near Mangapiko and Mangaohoi Streams on public and private land.
Japanese walnut is a weed because the tree is long lived (50 years plus), it's a canopy tree, so shades out other more desirable plants from underneath, and produces many, long-lived seed.
It can also tolerate hot and cold conditions, wet and dry conditions and isn't shaded out, like some weeds can be.
It is also likely to be allelopathic, which means it produces biochemicals that can inhibit the germination, growth, survival and reproduction of other plants in its vicinity.