In the cattle pens heavy two-year steers continued to sell well but yearling steers came back to earth after selling well last week.
Buyers were from Hawke’s Bay, Feilding, Masterton and Auckland.
Cattle - steers: 3yr, Waipapa Hawke’s Bay Ltd, Waiwhare, 16 ang, weight, 599kg, 339c/kg, $2035/head; F and E Krawczyk, Argyll, 15 charo-cross, weight, 556kg, 320c/kg, $1780/head; 11 here-fries, weight, 545kg, 316c/kg, $1725/head; eight spklprk, weight, 507kg, 315c/kg, $1600/head; five here-cross, weight, 524kg, 320c/kg, $1680/head. 2yr, A and J Peacock, Maraekakaho, 33 ang, weight, 630kg, 340c/kg, $2155/head; Temco Ag, Tikokino, 26 ang, weight, 548kg, 331c/kg, $1820/head; Awakere Farm, Crownthorpe, 30 ang, weight, 521kg, 330c/kg, $1725/head; 22 ang, weight, 488kg, 328c/kg, $1605/head; Alton Farm, Wairoa, 20 ang, weight, 469kg, 328c/kg, $1540/head; Waipapa Hawke’s Bay Ltd, Waiwhare, 27 ang, weight, 532kg, 325c/kg, $1735/head; Te Ngawa Farm, Blackhead, 20 ang, weight, 454kg, 329c/kg, $1495/head; Little Falls, Waihau, 38 ang, weight, 439kg, 316c/kg, $1390/head; CHB Aero Club, Waipukurau, 27 here-fries, weight, 553kg, 316c/kg, $1750/head; Pleasant Valley Holdings, Waiwhare, 31 ang, weight, 492kg, 328c/kg, $1615/head; 15 ang, weight, 453kg, 327c/kg, $1485/head; Story Farming, Wairoa, 22 ang, weight, 513kg, 326c/kg, $1675/head; Willow Tree, Matapiro, 25 ang, weight, 455kg, 298c/kg, $1360/head; five ang, weight, 448kg, 301c/kg, $1350/head; R Thompson, Taihape Rd, nine here-cross, weight, 450kg, 315c/kg, $1420/head; Stuart Trust, Crownthorpe, 11 here-cross, weight, 402kg, 301c/kg, $1215/head; five ang-here, weight, 368kg, 269c/kg, $990/head; Paritu Land Co, Aorangi, six here-cross, weight, 389kg, 301c/kg, $1175/head; G Chambers, Tikokino, 14 ang and ang-here, weight, 429kg, 322c/kg, $1385/head; A Davison, Shanley Rd, 10 ang-here, weight, 521kg, 318c/kg, $1660/head; 281kg, 341c/kg, $960/head; G and J McLennan, Oueroa, six ang, weight, 387kg, 321c/kg, $1245/head; M and V Wilkins, Matapiro, 10 ang, weight, 516kg, 306c/kg, $1580/head;. Yrling, Aorangi Land Co, Argyll, 33 ang, weight, 334kg, 340c/kg, $1140/head; 19 ang, weight, 341kg, 336c/kg, $1145/head; 31 ang, weight, 399kg, 352c/kg, $1055/head; 31 ang, weight, 335kg, 329c/kg, $1105/head; 18 ang, weight, 318kg, 334c/kg, $1065/head; 15 sth dev, weight, 326kg, 330c/kg, $1075/head; Kiwi Station, Wairoa, 21 ang, weight, 260kg, 359c/kg, $935/head; Little Falls,
Waihau, 32 ang, weight, 290kg, 348c/kg, $1010/head; 33 ang, weight, 279kg, 336c/kg, $940/head; A and C Milligan, Pakipaki, 30 here-fries, weight, 255kg, 332c/kg, $850/head; Sheep City, Otane, 13 ang, weight, 301kg, 353c/kg, $1070/head; six ang, weight, 266kg, 331c/kg, $880/head; Brancott Station, Waiwhare, 20 ang, weight, D and J Yule, Dartmoor, weight, 300kg 339c/kg, $1020/head; 14 here-cross, weight, 330kg, 322c/kg, $1205/head; Carlyon Station, Oueroa, five charo-cross, weight, 280kg, 344c/kg, $985/head; J Stead, Pakipaki, seven red dev, weight, 174kg, 332c/kg, $580/head; Stuart Trust, Crownthorpe, 10 here-fries, weight, 245kg, 346c/kg, $850/head; Story Farming, Wairoa, six crossbred, weight, 233kg, 312c/kg, $730/head.
Bulls: Yrling, A and J Peacock, Maraekakaho, 32 fries, weight, 350kg, 300c/kg, $1050/head; OD Agri, Puketitiri, 12 ang, weight, 414kg, 302c/kg, $1250/head.
Heifers: 3yr, Harper Property Group, Matapiro, 10 here-fries, weight, 484kg, 313c/kg, $1515/head; nine sth dev-cross, weight, 462kg, 294c/kg, $1360/head. 2yr, Paritu Farming, Aorangi, 15 ang and ang-here, weight, 427kg, 302c/kg, $1290/head; 13 here-cross, weight, 397kg, 294c/kg, $11870/head; Dever Family Trust, Putorino, 19 ang, weight, 411kg, 322c/kg, $1325/head; 11 ang, weight, 379kg, 308c/kg $1170/head; Te Awa P/shop. Highway 50, 16 ang, weight, 439kg, 320c/kg, $1410/head; R Thompson, Taihape Rd, 15 here-fries, weight, 396kg, 291c/kg, $1155/head; M and J Russell, Longlands, 11 spklprk, weight 523kg, 298c/kg, $1560/head; G and M Mead, Matapiro, 10 here-fries, weight, 450kg, 311c/kg, $1400/head; Mangatawhiti Station, Ohuka, 11 ang-here, weight, 437kg, 306c/kg, $1340/head; Heirloom Acres, Maraekakaho, six ang-cross, weight, 405kg, 249c/kg, $1010/head; Pleasant Valley Holdings, Waiwhare, six ang, weight, 406kg, 309c/kg, $1255/head. Yrling, D and J Yule, Dartmoor, 21 ang-here, weight, 284kg, 281c/kg, $800/head; Carlyon Station, Oueroa, 13 ang, weight, 261c/kg, $785/head; N Twist, Argyll, 21 ang, weight, 229kg, 311c/kg, $715/head; 11 ang and ang-here, weight, 249kg, 315c/kg, $785/head; Story farming, Wairoa, six ang, weight, 216kg, 297c/kg, $645/hyead; P and C Simpson, Takapau, seven ang, weight, 242kg, 264c/kg, $640/head.
Sheep - ewes, lambs at foot: Cricklewood Station, Cricklewood Rd, all five year, 50/91 b/f lambs, $61 all counted; 52/85, $65; 68/125, $63; 56/101, $61; Te Awanga Downs, Roys Hill, 30 shrn/ 43, $46; R and S Anderson, Middleton Rd, 51/87 b/f, $65; Apley Station, Rissington, (Cap stock) 39/52, $65.50; 29 m/a,/50, $68; Arawood Station, Cricklewood Rd, 27/39/b/f, $62.50; 19/36, $55; 48/67, $60.50; 37, 54, $61.50; 25/39, $62.50; G Nicholl, Tutira, 23/34, $68.50; O Williams, Ongaonga, 4/8, $58; D Styles, Te Aute, 5/7, $62; Ballymena, 2/5, $66; G Liss, 2/4, $58.
Lambs: Malta Holdings, Te Mata, 765 weth, $150; 83 ewe, $146; Riverbank Station, Rissington, 110 c/o, $118; G and J McLennan, Oueroa, 161 male, $123; G Chambers, Tikokino, 160 male, $133; 63 male, $111; 75 ram, $104; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau, 178 male, $110; 96 male,$9 7; 175 ewe, $99; 76 ewe, $94.50; Waikareao Farm, Te Aute, 69 c/o, $127.50; 64 c/o, $120; 99 ewe, $125; 238 ewe, $115; Rocky Basin, Kaiwaka, 81 ram, $101; 223 ewe, $107; C Nicholson, Roys Hill, 71 male, $121; 24 male, $110; 57 ewe, $121; T Brain, Wakarara, 112 ewe, $129; K Harding and Co, Woodville, 175 ewe, $193; Apley Station, Rissington, 217 ewe, $132; 70 ewe, $111; Makino P/ship, Dannevirke, 220 ewe, $132; 111
$126; SJB farm, Omakere, 192 ewe, $120.50; Strathclyde P/ship, Te Mata, 51 m/s, $160; Cardda Trust, Maraekakaho, 113 ewe, $129; 82 ewe, $117; 37 ewe, $140; F and J Goulding, Glenross, 87 ewe, $140.
Prime sale
A good quality offering of ewes meant higher prices at Monday’s sale.
The offering of about 700 ewes was mostly of better quality than in recent weeks.
The lamb trading of 451 sold in line with previous weeks.
There were six heavy heifers offered in the fortnightly cattle sale.
Cattle - heifers: Ang, ang-here, here-cross, weight,583kg to 630kg, 303c/kg to 323c/kg, $1786/head to $2034/head.
Sheep - ewes: Slipe, good, $132 to $140; med, $110 to $120; light/med, $87 to $96.Woolly, med, $106 to $114.50. Shorn, good, $130.
Lambs: Male, $50 to $166; ewe, $95 to $158; m/s, $121 to $165.