Steers, 2yr: Glengyle, Oueroa, eight charo-cross, 437kg, 337c/kg, $1475/head; nine ang, 420kg, 335c/kg, $1410/head. Yrling, Mairangi Holdings, Chatham Island, 262kg, 368c/kg, $965/head; Glengyle, Oueroa, six ang-cross, 270kg, 333c/kg, $900/head; V Tuuta, Chatham Island, 11 charo-cross, 265kg, 358c/kg, $950/head.
Bulls: 2yr, CI Land and Sea, Chatham Island, 10 crossbred, 375kg, 326c/kg, $1220/head; V Tuuta, Chatham Island, seven ang and ang-cross, 320kg, 300c/kg, $960/head. Yrling, Flinders Fisheries, Chatham Island, seven here-cross, 205kg, 388c/kg, $800/head; five here-cross, 264kg, 390c/kg, $1030/head: CI Land and Sea, Chatham Island, 11 ang and ang-cross, 214kg, 386c/kg, $830/head.
Heifers: 2yr, Corson Farming, Kereru, 14 ang, 378kg, 324c/kg, $1225/head; G and P Single, Apley Rd, seven here-fries, 405kg, 296c/kg, $1200/head. Yrling, Glengyle, Oueroa, 13 spklprk, 285kg, 315c/kg, $900/head; J Keil, Wairoa, 14 ang, 243kg, 287c/kg, $700/head; Flinders Fisheries, Chatham Island, 11 here-cross, 213kg, 293c/kg, $630/head.
Hoggets, lamb’s teeth: B and E Tuanui, Whakapirau, 78 ewe, $126; G and J McLennan, Oueroa, 113 ewe, $109; 32 ewe, $80.
Lambs: Hebron Ltd, Wairoa, 54 c/o, $94; 208 c/o, $67; 210 c/o, $82; 118 c/o, $3; 207 c/o, $57.50; 166 ewe, $64; 460 ewe, $53; 148 ewe, $42.40; 80 ewe, $33; 31 ewe, $40; Pakowhai Station, Frasertown, 194 ram, $67.50; 105 ram, $71; 261 ram, $59; 184 ram, $41; Rotonui P/ship, Patoka, 167 ram, $78; 226 ewe, $70.50; Anderson Family Trust, Haumoana, 147 m/s, b/f, $84.50; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau,189 m/s b/f, $86; 65 m/s b/f, $69; K Gurall, Raupunga, 135 m/s, $80.50; Mt Erin Station, Middle Rd, 73 ram, $68; 208 ram, $97; Waimatai Farm, Frasertown, 150 weth, $52; 143 weth, $42; 28 weth, $67.50; 44 weth, $0; Carlyon Station, Farm Rd, 52 c/o, $70; 78 c/o, $72.
Prime sale
Tight processing space and the state of the market meant Monday’s prime ewe sale was as dismal as the weather.
A pen of good ewes made $86, the top price.
The quality of the offering was mostly medium which also contributed to the price fall.
The lamb offering was mostly hoggets with lamb’s teeth.
Lambs - hoggets, l/t: Male, $70 to $180; ewe, $119; m/s, $105 TO $114. New season: Male, $137; m/s, $100 to $133.
Ewes: Woolly, med, $60; light/med, $50; light, $39. Shorn, good, $73 $82; med, $61, $63; light/med, $47 to $57; light, $35 to $42. Slipe, good, $74.50 to $86; med, $62 to $68; light/med, $44.50 to $61; light, $40.
Rams: $40, $50.