Steers: Wnr, M and L Payne, Ashley Clinton, nine ang-here, av weight, 184kg, 402c/kg, $740/head; six crossbred, av weight, 172kg, 382c/kg, $660/head. Yrling, Te Ngaio Farm, Chatham Islands, seven here, av weight, 255kg, 326c/kg, $835/head; S Norman, Chatham Island, four here-cross, av weight, 192kg, 324c/kg, $625/head.
Bulls: Yrling V Tuuta, Chatham Island, six charo-cross , av weight, 257kg, 310c/kg, $800/head; six ang and ang-cross, av weight, 187kg, 266c/kg, $500/head.
Yrling, Maunganui Station, Te Pohue, 11 ang, av weight, 319kg, 319c/kg, $1020/head; Te Ngaio Farm, Chatham Island, 12 here, av weight, 271kg, 349c/kg, $950/head; five the same, av weight, 223kg, 300c/kg, $670/head; V Tuuta, Chatham Island, six charo-cross, av weight, 260kg, 311c/kg, $840/head; S Norman, Chatham Island, 10 here-cross, av weight, 199kg, 294c/kg, $585/head; Te Matarae Farm, Chatham Island, six here-cross, av weight, 277kg, 252c/kg, $700/head; three the same, av weight, 195kg, 261c/kg, $510/head; Kaiara Enterprises, Chatham Island, four here-cross, av weight, 303c/kg, 276c/kg, $840/head; five ang and here-fries, av weight, 302kg, 313c/kg, $945/head.
Ewes: Lee Children's Trust, Middle Rd, 55 2th ewes, 47 lambs at foot, $84 all counted.
Lambs: Allen Farming, Mangleton, 115 m/s b/f, $93.50; 172 c/o, $94; 90 c/o, $80; 142 m/s b/f, $81.50; 203 c/o, $87.25; 64 m/s b/f, $74.50; Pinoaks Farming, Porangahau, 177 male, $83.50; 141 male, $79.50; 164 ewe, $73; D Daunton, Omakere, 239 c/o, $82.50; D Whitfield, Sherenden, 45 m/s, $894; 92 m/s, $76; B Simmons, Puketapu 21 m/s, $120.
Prime sale:
Ewe and lamb prices held up at Monday's prime sale while cattle prices eased for a small offering.
There were only 13 head of cattle on offer and all of them weighed over 750kg.
There were about 2000 ewes and 92 lambs on offer.
The next prime sale will be on January 8.
Oxen (Here cross, ang cross, simm-cross) Av weight, 754kg to 775kg, 255c/kg to 274.5c/kg, $1976/head to $2079/head.
Ewes: Shorn, good, $113 to $121; med, $93.50 to $109.50; lighter, $81 to $93.50; light, $57.Woolly, med, $62.75; slipe, good, $99 to $116; med, $79 to $97.50; lighter, $68.
Lambs: Hoggets, l/t, $50, $100; m/s, $112; spring, male, $134.50 to $142; ewe, $109, $131; M/S, $96 to $120; b/f, $106.50 to $131.50.