Cows: (Vic) Rocky Basin, Kaiwaka, 12 m/a ang, vic, av weight, 541kg, 221c/kg, $1200/head; eight the same, av weight, 474kg, 232c/kg, $1100/head.
Steers: L Nicholls, Meeanee, five 3yr ang-cross, av weight, 492kg, 265c/kg, $1305/head. Yrling, G and J Sherratt, Argyll, nine here-fries, av weight, 231kg, 390c/kg, $905/head; T Croon, Chatham Island, eight ang, av weight, 323kg, 388c/kg, $900/head; four the same, av weight, 398kg, 298c/kg, $1190/head; Rakautahi P/ship, Chatham Island, 10 here-cross, av weight, 246kg, 382c/kg, $940/head.
Bulls: Trelinnoe Station, Te Pohue, five 2yr sth dev, av weight, 366kg, 248c/kg, $910/head. Yrling, Wedd Farming, Puketitiri, 24 fries, av weight, 233kg, 332c/kg, $775/head; T Jenkinson, Tutira, seven fries, av weight, 160kg, 311c/kg, $500/head; five ang-cross, av weight, 221kg, 268c/kg, $595/head; six fries-cross, av weight, 186kg, 219c/kg, $410/head.
Heifers: R Redwood, Lindsay Rd, six 2yr ang, av weight, 436kg, 280c/kg, $1225/head. Yrling, T Croon, Chatham Island, eight ang, av weight, 240kg, 307c/kg, $740/head; eight the same, av weight, 195kg, 312c/kg, $610/head; J Lane, Twyford, five here-cross, av weight, 120kg, 416c/kg, $500/head.
Ewes: (Sil), Opuahi Station, Tutira, 207 3/4yr, $215; 107 3/4yr, $209.
Lambs: Waikareo Station, Te Aute, 100 male, $177; 91 male, $166.50; 222 ewe, $150; 154 ewe, $147.50; 42 male, $145.50; Maunganui Station, Te Pohue, 129 ewe, $160; R and J Holmes, Chatham Island, 129 wether, $190; D R Heays Ltd, Kaiwaka, 138 ewe, $163; 215 ewe, $148; 69 ewe, $78; G and E Cameron, Chatham Island, 138 m/s, $176; 99 m/s, $150; G and E Cameron Te Ngaio P/ship, Chatham Island, 95 m/s, $135; Ohinemana Farm, Chatham Island, 135 m/a, $158; G and R Horler,
Chatham Island, 136 m/s, $154; Te Ngaio Farm, Chatham Island, 84 m/s, $145; S Norman, Chatham Island, 59 ewe, $169; Kaiara Enterprises, Chatham Island, 49 wether, $152.50; P and E Seymour, Chatham Island, 58 m/s, $137; Pukenui Station, Makaretu, 49 ewe, $143.
Prime sale
Ewe and lamb prices received a reality check at Monday's sale.
After several weeks of steadily rising prices auctioneers had their work cut out for them selling a yarding of about 4000 lambs.
Agents said the big supply and some price resistance saw prices ease to more realistic levels.
Ewe prices also fell but the quality was down on the last few weeks.
The small cattle yarding of 21 head also sold according to quality.
Oxen: (Ang), Av weight, 468kg, 296c/kg, $1385/head.
Heifers: (Here-fries, simm-cross) Av weight, Av weight, 450kg to 560kg, 290c/kg to 298c/kg, $1305/head to $1668/head.
Ewes: Slipe, good, $170 to $176; med, $139 to $145; light, $90 to $121. Woolly, med, $120 to $139; light, $115.50; shorn, good, $183.50; med, $139.
Lambs: Male, $165 to $218; b/f, $185.50. Ewe, $161.50 to $198. M/s, $170.50 to $215.