Buyers were from Hawke’s Bay, Taupo, Auckland and Wairarapa. There were 10 buyers on the Bidr online platform.
Cattle - cows, calves at foot: Kairongoa Farm, Elsthorpe, 12 m/a ang, 12 calves, 548kg, 253kg, 253c/kg, $1300/head.
Empty cows. Wairua Dairies, Aorangi, 10 fries, 575kg, 195c/kg, $1125/head; eight fries, 480kg, 208c/kg, $1000/head.
Steers: 2yr, Riverside Trading, Tukituki, 25 ang, 568kg, 313c/kg, $1780/head; 27 simm, 680kg, 310c/kg, $1860/head; Belmount Station, Tukituki, 12 here-fries, 605kg, 297c/kg, $1800/head; BR and AE Farming, Pakipaki, 30 simm, 443kg, 333c/kg, $1480/head. Yrling, Mangaroa Farm, Mangaroa, 20 here-fries, 416kg, 319c/kg, $1330/head; Brynaren Trust, Waipukurau, 14 here-fries, 332kg, 322c/kg, $1070/head; A and C Milligan, Pakipaki, 15 here-fries, 277kg, 353c/kg, $980/head; Crawshaw Farming, Waihau, 16 simm-cross, 304kg, 282c/kg, $860/head; J Powdrell, Putere, 11 charo and here-cross, 365kg, 321c/kg, $1175/head; five here-cross, 314kg, 326c/kg, $1025/head; six ang, 301kg, 339c/kg, $1030/head; Wharehau Station, Ohuka, seven charo, 400kg, 338c/kg, $1355/head; nine charo, 335kg, 343c/kg, $1150/head; N and L Redmond, Sherenden, seven here-cross, 298kg, 293c/kg, $875/head.
Bulls: Yrling, Waipoapoa Station, Maraetotara, 28 here, 484kg, 347c/kg, $1680/head; 30 here, 483kg, 347c/kg, $1680/head; 30 here, 433kg, 355c/kg, $1540/head; 24 here, 422kg, 376c/kg, $1590/head; 10 here, 383kg, 331c/kg, $1270/head; Ngamahanga Station, Pukehamoamoa, 33 sth dev, 496kg, 328c/kg, $1630/head; 42 sth dev, 456kg, 330c/kg, $1510/head; 29 sth dev, 428kg, 340c/kg, $1460/head; 12 ang-cross, 495kg, 335c/kg, $1660/head; 23 sth dev, 383kg, 344c/kg, $1320/head; Whenuapapa Station, Kereru, 16 ang, 459kg, 3276c/kg, $1470/head; S and S Duncan, Elsthorpe, five ang, 385kg, 324c/kg, $1250/head; A Pritchard, Hatuma, 23 fries, 404kg, 303c/kg, $1230/head; six fries, 358kg, 315c/kg, $1130/head; BR and AE Farming, Otane, 15 here-fries, 377kg, 331c/kg, $1250/head; 15 here-fries, 310kg, 348c/kg, $1080/head.
Heifers: 2yr, Belmount Station, Tukituki, 15 here-fries, 592kg, 287c/kg, $1700/head; Wairua Dairies, Aorangi, 15 fries, 413kg, 253c/kg, $1050/head; eight fries-cross, 365kg, 259c/kg, $950/head; Poyntzfield P/ship, Pakowhai, six here-fries, 445kg, 287c/kg, $1280/head. Yrling, Glenburn Trust, Waimarama, 15 ang, 360kg, 316c/kg, $1140/head; D and V Organ, Putere, 17 sth dev, 298kg, 328c/kg, $980/head; Marainanga Station, Akitio, 10 here, 363kg, 290c/kg, $1055/head; Horoeka Farm, Takapau, 32 ang, 252kg, 323c/kg, $815/head; 23 ang, 311kg, 315c/kg, $980/head; 21 ang and ang-here, 307kg, 324c/kg, $995/head; 10 ang, 277kg, 309c/kg, $860/head; Kairongoa Farm, Elsthorpe, 14 ang, 224kg, 270c/kg, $605/head; 20 ang and ang-here, 265kg, 275c/kg, $730/head; Wharehau Station, Ohuka, six charo, 341kg, 316c/kg, $1080/head; five charo, 291kg, 309c/kg, $900/head. Coineneach Pakipaki, 11 here-fries, 335kg, 311c/kg, $1045/head; J Powdrell, Putere, 11 ang, 282kg, 320c/kg, $905/head; nine crossbred, 301kg, 321c/kg, $970/head.
Sheep - ewes, lambs at foot: 62 m/a, 102 lbs, $55.50; KFL Farming, Haumoana, 27 ewes, 34 lbs, $42; Marainanga Station, Akitio, nine ewes, nine lbs, $40.
Hoggets, lambs’ teeth: Marainanga Station, Akitio, 141 ewe, $144; 99 ewe, $138; 106 ewe, $130; B and E Tuanui, Whakapirau, 60 c/o, $136; 91 ewe, $144; J Johansen, Chatham Island, 68 m/s, $130; 63 m/s, $48; eight m/s, $103; Te Rangi, 12 ram, $115. Spring lambs: Owhahanga, Pongaroa, 131 m/s, $104; 75 c/o, $87.50; 60 m/s, $51; 41 c/o, $57; J and N Berry, Crownthorpe, 159 m/s, $98.50; 266 m/s, $79; 192 m/s, $63; Franklin Farm, Waiohiki, 278 m/s, $84; Te Awanga Downs, Te Awanga, 308 m/s, $93.50; O’Grady Farming, Kotemaori, 168 m/s b/f, $86; 87 m/s b/f, $71; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau, 101 m/s b/f, $114; 174 m/s, $79.50; D and C Yule, Dartmoor, 109 m/s b/f, $78; 65 c/o, $73; Droxford Farm Trust, Middleton Rd, 107 m/s, $70; 50 m/s, $84; Hebron, Frasertown, 40 c/o, $84; 152 c/o, $53; 154 ewe, $149; 86 c/o, $39.l50; 98 ewe, $34; Haupouri Station, Ocean Beach, 154 c/o, $68; 77 c/o, $54; Ngapari Farming, Wallingford, 44 m/a, $83.50; S and P Wright, Springfield, 28 m/s b/f, $128; D Harvey, Otane, 20 m/s, $72; Mangaroa Farm, Mangaroa, 23 ram b/f, $143.
Prime sale
Active buyers saw lambs sold above schedule values at Monday’s sale.
The yarding of about 464 head was top quality, especially the new-season lambs.
However, buyers were so keen that prices lifted at an estimated $10 above schedule.
Ewes are starting to arrive in numbers as lambs are weaned.
Monday’s offering of about 1400 head was mostly of medium condition and sold accordingly.
Lambs - new season: Male, $157; M/s, $110 to $157. Hoggets, lambs’ teeth, male, $135, $150; ewe, $134.50 to $152; m/s, $121 to $150.
Ewes: Shorn, heavy, $140; good, $79; med, $62, $72.50; light, $53. Woolly, good, $84.50 to $92; med, $70. Slipe, good, $81 to $104.50; med, $66 to $75.50; light/med, $60, $61.
Rams: $33 to $75.