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Weather live updates: South Island slammed by severe weather with gale force wind, snow and rain

Vita Molyneux
Wellington Multimedia Journalist, NZ Herald·NZ Herald·
4 mins to read

A flight to Queenstown encountered intense turbulence and had to turn back to Auckland this morning. Video / Dylan Steele

Significantly strong winds with gusts of up to 150km/h are lashing the South Island this afternoon and evening as wild weather continues to impact the country.

MetService has a number of severe weather warnings in place for the South Island and lower North Island today, with heavy rain, gale-force winds and even snow forecast.

In Auckland, the Harbour Bridge is under speed restrictions this afternoon due to high winds.

Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferries has cancelled four crossings tomorrow.

“A southerly event is due to hit the Cook Strait on Tuesday, October 3, with large swells forecast from midnight to late afternoon,” Bluebridge posted on its website.

Interislander has cancelled eight sailings tomorrow. Meanwhile, two sailings on board Kaiarahi have been cancelled this afternoon and two on Kaitaki are leaving earlier than scheduled due to the wild weather.

In the South Island, a flight to Queenstown encountered intense turbulence and had to turn back to Auckland.

Dylan, 18, was on a Jetstar flight from Auckland to Queenstown this morning at 8.30am and said passengers were screaming in terror as the plane shook violently about 20 minutes from Queenstown airport.

“The plane was going up and then dropping rapidly. I was airborne on my seat, it was just so wild.

“Everyone was just screaming and people were throwing up. I was about to throw up too.”

The flight made it almost all the way to Queenstown before turning back to Auckland. Photo / Flightradar24
The flight made it almost all the way to Queenstown before turning back to Auckland. Photo / Flightradar24

Meteorologist Mmathapelo Makgabutlane said the main story today will be the wind.

“In the South Island some places could see wind speeds in the region of 150 km/h, that includes places like Queenstown where we know there’s been a lot of severe weather, as well as down towards Dunedin.

“Anywhere under a strong wind warning should be prepared.”



An orange Strong Wind Warning is in place for Wellington, Wairarapa and Tararua in the North, and nearly all of the South Island.

Makgabutlane said all of those areas can expect a very gusty Monday and should be prepared.

Makgabutlane said spring tends to be the windiest time of the year and we’ve seen recently the damage those gusts can cause. She said we can “expect something similar today”.

She said wind gusts of this strength could damage trees, powerlines and unsecured structures. Driving may also be hazardous, especially for high-sided vehicles and motorcycles.

A Wellingtonian battles through the gale-force wind and rain. Photo / Mark Mitchell
A Wellingtonian battles through the gale-force wind and rain. Photo / Mark Mitchell

In Wellington, severe northwest gales gusting 120km/h are forecast, which could damage powerlines and topple trees.

19 flights have been cancelled at Wellington Airport, however a spokesperson said they were related to weather in the South Island, not in the capital.

From Lewis Pass to Milford Rd, MetService has issued road snowfall warnings for much of Monday, which warn of snow fall on the Crown Range, Porters Pass and Lindis Pass.

And as the wind whips the South, rain is also anticipated for Buller as well as potential thunderstorms. The rain could quickly approach warning levels and people are urged to keep an eye on MetService’s latest warnings and watches.

Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency is warning motorists to be cautious when driving on the Remutaka Ranges which are under a strong wind warning.

Further north and towards the East Coast, Gisborne and Hawke’s Bay should be prepared for strong winds which could reach warning level.

The warnings come as much of the country welcomed some rare sunshine on Sunday, accompanied by warmer conditions.

MetService says more fast-moving fronts are expected to travel up the country into the second week of school holidays, with heavy rain expected for the South Island west coast from Sunday.

Severe weather warnings

The raft of severe weather warnings and watches will come into effect as early as 3am on Monday and remain throughout the day.

MetService says thunderstorms are possible for Buller and it expects 90 to 110mm of rain about the ranges, with lesser amounts near the coast and peak rates to reach 10 to 20mm/h.

The rest of the South Island will come under an orange strong wind warning throughout Monday as severe northwest gales with damaging gusts of up to 130km/h are expected.

As for the North Island, the Marlborough Sounds, Wellington, Wairarapa and Tararua districts will be hit by strong winds from 9am on Monday, rising to severe gales in exposed places by mid-morning, gusting up to 120km/h.

MetService advises strong wind gusts could damage trees, powerlines and unsecured structures. Driving may also be hazardous, especially for high-sided vehicles and motorcycles.
