Simmental, a breed traditionally recognised for its fast live weight gain, has now toppled Angus for eating quality, according to the results of the latest Beef + Lamb NZ trial.
The Beef + Lamb New Zealand Beef Progeny Test (BPT), compares bulls under NZ commercial farming conditions.
Established in 2014, the BPT involves mating 2200 cows and heifers each year, assessing steers for their finishing performance and carcass traits.
In the latest trials, held in April 2019, results have shown Simmentals are hitting targets for both growth and eating quality quicker than other breeds, and the farming community is sitting up and taking notice.
"More New Zealand farmers should be utilising Simmental genetics and those who aren't, are missing an opportunity to boost their bottom line. Simmental sires are getting better rates of both growth and eating quality than other breeds and that's very encouraging news," says Simmental Council President, Colleen Knauf.