Rural isolation is not limited to how far out of town you live, but also where to turn when the pressures within farming life get too much.
Feelings of isolation are not limited to rural men, which led a group of Wairarapa women to band together to combat the issue.
The Wairarapa Rural Women's Initiative began four years ago after Lynley Wyeth, Lucy Thornycroft and Ellie Cranswick felt they needed something else for "us farming ladies", committee chairwoman Wyeth said.
"We were working, had young children, and we couldn't make it to our husbands' discussion groups – we wanted an education forum for the ladies," Wyeth said.
The group, which meets every six weeks, started with about 20 members, but has since expanded into two groups with about 45 members. Membership extends from Dannevirke to South Wairarapa.