Locals had their say on the Zero Carbon Bill at a public hui with the director for climate change saying the information they gained was "invaluable".
About 30 people gathered this evening at Te Ao Marama in Ohinemutu to learn more about the bill and to have their say on what they'd like to see included.
They were given the opportunity to vote on the three options for the bill, Net Zero Carbon Dioxide, Net Zero Long-Lived Gases and Stabilised Short-Lived Gases or Net Zero Emissions, have their say on a wall mural and ask any questions about the bill.
The Rotorua meeting was particularly special because it is the only one of the 15 held around the country to be hosted by local iwi.
Ministry for the Environment director of climate change Janine Smith said they had an interesting discussion earlier in the day with Te Arawa Lakes Trust.
"Tonight is for us to hear from the community, their issues and their ideas, then take that and use it to help to inform good laws that will serve the next generation."