About $1.3 million in damage was caused to the district's roads in last month's severe storm.
The storm on July 13 and 14 - which dumped snow down to low levels with heavy rains for more than 24 hours, causing slips, washouts and surface flooding - damaged more than 200 sites across the district's roading network.
The damage was detailed at last week's CHB District Council finance and planning committee, which was told council's share of the repair and clean-up operation would be $470,668.
While not as severe as the damaged caused by the April 2011 storm that hit CHB coastal areas, land transport manager Shawn McKinley told councillors the cost of the damage at this point was still about $1.3 million.
"This was not like 2011, which cost $9.5m - but this was across about 250 to 260 sites and the damage caused is restricting the full road usage and negatively impacting movement of freight."