Rabobank is forecasting a $7.15/kgMS farmgate payout for the 2019/2020 season but an Ettrick dairy farmer is more cautious and is not ''counting his chickens'' until Fonterra makes its official announcement within the next few weeks.
The bank's dairy analyst Emma Higgins, in her report ''Fourth time lucky: Back in the black once more'', suggested a fourth consecutive season of strong milk pricing could lead to a predicted $7.15/kgMS, along with a $6.65/kgMS for the 2018/2019 season.
Higgins said '' stagnant global milk supply and robust global demand for Oceania-origin dairy products was expected to support strong milk prices for New Zealand farmers over the remainder of the current season and into next''.
''From December 2018 through to early April 2019, commodity dairy prices have jumped 24 per cent with butter and skim milk powder, the two products to shift the needle most significantly,'' she said.