Christopher and Siobhan O'Malley are the current NZ Share Farmers of the Year. Here Siobhan writes about why they decided to put their farming practices out into the digital world.
Lately, we can't go to an event, meeting or even open a rural newspaper without someone asking the question: "What are you doing about the public image of dairy farming? The media hate us. We feel picked on. It is an unfair and inaccurate portrayal. What are you doing about it?"
We sympathise. We feel like the media have created a narrative that vilifies the "dairy industry" while forgetting that behind our corporate co-operative stand literally thousands of families.
And the lament from the farming community is always the same - the urban-rural divide is growing, no one in our towns and cities has contact with the farm like previous generations did, they watch unfair or inaccurate documentaries about overseas farming systems that don't apply in NZ, they don't understand what we do! They highlight a few farmers with bad practices and tar us all with the same brush.
The answer is potentially straightforward. There is only so much the NZ public will listen to PR from Fonterra or DairyNZ promoting a differing, positive view to that of the mainstream media beat up - they will be viewed with suspicion as being 'corporate'.