Prisoners will be growing and planting eco-sourced trees for a project given $126,750 by Waikato Regional Council's Natural Heritage Fund.
Project Tongariro will be given the money over three years for restoration planting along the Waiotaka River, which flows mainly across Department of Corrections land.
The Waiotaka River Restoration Project aims to restore ecologically appropriate vegetation — alluvial kahikatea, matai, totara and ribbonwood forest, and small areas of wetland vegetation — within the Waiotaka River riparian corridor. Currently the river margins are infested with crack willow, blackberry and other weeds.
Project Tongariro plans to work with Rongomai Marae and Tongariro Prison, with the prison producing eco-sourced trees for the project and the labour to plant most of the trees.
The weed control will be done by the Department of Corrections and professional contractors, and Project Tongariro will also co-ordinate community planting days with Ngati Rongomai.