Ospri say they are now undertaking further research and testing into alternative repellents, which could also prove "significantly more cost effective".
NZDA Marlborough branch committee member Wayne Smith welcomed the move.
"We are pleased that further 1080 drops have been deferred," he said.
"Hopefully the new deer repellent options will be effective as well and in future we see a large reduction in by-kill from these operations."
The Department of Conservation (DoC), which owns the station and leases it to Landcorp Farming Ltd, gives Ospri permission to run pest control operations on public conservation land.
Ospri's TBfree nine-year programme is designed to eradicate bovine tuberculosis from Molesworth, which has a long history with TB infection in its cattle herd and wildlife, dating back to the early 1960s.
Eight helicopters using GPS dropped toxic bait at 2kg/ha on a 61,200ha area late last October after "significant public and community engagement".
"The justification for possum control was compelling and also carried significant conservation benefits," an Ospri spokesman said at the time.
"Ospri recognises that there is always a risk of deer by-kill as a result of 1080 application for pest control and is committed to working with hunting groups to minimise the impacts on these populations through targeted use of deer repellent."
DOC South Marlborough Operations Manager Phil Bradfield denied claims that local hunters weren't allowed to go shoot deer before the 1080 drop.
"Recreational deer hunting is allowed on Molesworth with a permit and hunters were on Molesworth leading right up to the operation," he said.
Experienced helicopter pilot Bill Hales, who has 40 years' experience as a wild animal recovery operator (WARO), was disappointed by a "crying shame of a wasted resource".
"Why not let us guys in there for three months before you have a poison drop and harvest the product? Why waste the resource?" he said.
Animal rights groups are opposed to the use of 1080.
Ospri said that until an alternative to 1080 is found, it remains "the best tool in the toolbox for controlling the introduced predators that transmit TB between wildlife and livestock".