The Overseas Investment Office has granted a bid from New Zealand's largest national manufacturer of ready-mixed concrete to buy sensitive land at Cromwell.
But yesterday, the office issued an 'undecided' decision. A Fletcher spokeswoman said this was incorrect. The office has now updated its decision from undecided to granted.
Multi-billion dollar Fletcher Building's Firth is in a joint venture bid with Kiwi business McNulty's Investment, applying to buy 9.8ha of land classified as sensitive on Luggate-Cromwell Rd in Central Otago.
The office has previously approved most applications. The application comes ahead of tougher Government requirements on land sales to foreign buyers. Fletcher Concrete and Infrastructure had to apply due to the substantial foreign investment in Fletcher Building.
The Overseas Investment Amendment Bill was introduced to the House on December 14, had its first reading on December 19 and is now before a select committee. This bill amends the Overseas Investment Act 2005 to ensure that investments made by overseas persons in New Zealand will have genuine benefits for the country.