Cows: All vic, G and J Chambers, Te Onepu, 18 7/8yr ang and ang-here, av weight, 560kg, 221c/kg, $1238/head; Kaiwaka P/ship, Kaiwaka, 10 8/9yr ang, av weight, 566kg, 220c/kg, $1250/head.
Steers: R3, J Johnston, Matapiro, 10 crossbred, av weight, 546kg, 257c/kg, $1410/head. R2, Maunganui Station, Te Pohue, 26 ang, av weight, 426kg,313c/kg, $1338/head; R Dever, Matapiro, six fries, av weight, 562kg, 263c/kg, $1480/head; D A Clark and Co, Wanstead, 13 ang, av weight, 512kg, 297c/kg, $1525/head. Wnr, A Olsen, Glengarry, 18 here-cross, av weight, 275kg, 320c/kg, $880/head; Gordon Farming, Haumoana, eight ang, av weight, 199kg, 363c/kg, $722/head; M Kilkenny, Bay View, seven crossbred, av weight, 241kg, 291c/kg, $700/head.
Bulls: R2, Awahuri Pastoral, Ohiti, 20 fries, av weight, 374kg, 301c/kg, $1130/head; Kaiwaka vendor, five ang, av weight, 454kg, 280c/kg, $1275/head. Wnr, Mahoe Station, Omakere, 32 sth dev-cross, av weight, 266kg, 350c/kg, $930/head; eight the same, av weight, 224kg, 337c/kg, $755/head; S and P Baker, Omakere, 32 fries, av weight, 190kg, 343c/kg, $652/head; Lechlade Farm, Otamauri, 12 fries, av weight, 172kg, 324c/kg, $558/head; five the same, av weight, 146kg, 275c/kg, $402/head; Powell Family Trust, Bay View, six ang, av weight, 263kg, 330c/kg, $870/head; five crossbred, av weight, 213kg, 291c/kg, $620/head.
Heifers: R3, Spur Nian Farm, Raukawa, five ang, av weight, 447kg, 255c/kg, $1140/head. R2, S and P Baker, Omakere, 26 here-fries, av weight, 331kg, 270c/kg, $895/head; 14 the same, av weight, 300kg, 269c/kg, $805/head; D A Clark and Co, Wanstead, 11 ang, av weight, 457kg, 277c/kg, $1270/head; R Wooster, Rissington, 11 ang-here, av weight, 408kg, 279c/kg, $1140/head; 12 the same, av weight, 422kg, 280c/kg, $1185/head; six here-fries, av eight, 425kg, 261c/kg, $1110/head; Waikawa Orchards, Havelock North, 12 here-fries, av weight, 351kg, 277c/kg $972/head; Pukerangi, Omakere, seven ang and ang-here, av weight, 406kg, 278c/kg, $1130/head; Spur Nian Farm, Raukawa, nine ang, av eight, 366kg, 283c/kg, $1035/head; B Simmons, Poraite, nine ang and ang-cross, av weight, 301kg, 263c/kg, $790/head; five the same, av weight, 330kg, 233c/kg, $770/head; Brancott Farm, Glenross, av weight, 448kg, 280c/kg, $1255/head. Wnr, Gordon Farming, Haumoana, five ang, av weight, 182kg, 346c/kg, $630/head; M Kilkenny, Bay View, eight dairy-cross, av weight, 249kg, 287c/kg, $715/head; L and D Pyne, Wairoa, five here-cross, av weight, 246kg, 287c/kg, $705/head.
Ewes: all sil, M Halliwell Trust, Puketitiri, 144 5yr, $99; 58 5yr, $88; Kyle Farming, Dartmoor, 53 5yr, $106; C Goulding, Waipawa, 15 b/f, rwr, $88; 13 rwr, $79.
Lambs: R and H Pastoral, Wanstead, 148 ram, $94.50; 141 ram, $89.50; 61 ram, $86.50; D and M Farming, Blackburn Rd, 82 male, $91.50; 122 male, $90; 186 ewe, $80.50; 118 b/f ewe, $92.80; Awakere Farm, Crownthorpe, 97 ram, $88.50; C and J Lee, Kaiwaka, 139 c/o, $89.50; 174 ewe, $80; Tuapae Farm, Kereru, 58 c/o, $88.75; 150 b/f ewe, $85; 53 b/f ewe, $78.50; 31 male, $85.50; 200 male, $92; 274 male, $88.50; 175 ewe, $89; Te Awa Station, Highway 50, 98 male, $89.50; ArdLussa Farm, Waihau, 95 ram, $91.50; 125 b/f ewe, $80; 64 ram, $81.80; Brancott Farm, Glenross, 93 weth, $84; 178 ewe, $80; Beckford Holdings, Makaretu, 174 ewe, $77.25; 217 ewe, $77.50; 109 ewe, $75.50; Otupae Station, Taihape Rd, 193 ewe, $81.75; 215 ewe, $80; 64 ewe, $76.50; Waitomo P/ship, Hatuma, 283 ewe, $78; Kahuranaki Station, Kahuranaki, 186 ewe, $80; 53 male, $77; P and C Nesdale, Mangaorapa, 111 ewe, $76.50; 51 male, $81.50; 47 ewe, $80; Kenyon Land Co, Porangahau, 114 ewe, $84.50; 52 b/f c/o, $90.50; M Goulding, Otamauri, 94 ewe, $80.70; Cave Farming Ltd, Tutira, 74 ewe, $78.75; Mangakuri Station, Elsthorpe, 96 ewe, $77; 54 male, $82.50; 35 male, $88; Allen Farming, Mangleton, 90 ewe, $78; Trigham Station, Patoka, 114 ewe, $77; Taramoa, Puketitiri, 84 ewe, $74.50; 35 male, $81; KCRB Farming, Omakere, 116 male, $81.50; Inangatahi, Puketitiri, 89 m/s, $64; A Walsh, Dartmoor, 38 m/s, $80; 74 m/s, $68; Gordon Farming, Haumoana, 51 m/s, $94; Carlyon Station, Farm Rd, 37 c/o, $82.
Prime sale
Good-quality cattle sold exceptionally well, good ewes were up and big lambs were in demand at Monday's prime sale.
The cancellation of last week's prime sale meant bigger than usual yardings with 191 cattle, about 1200 ewes and 450 lambs. Many of the lambs were of noticeably high quality and sold accordingly. The best of a largely average-quality yarding of ewes also sold well.
- Prices
Oxen: (Ang, ang-here, fries-cross, here-cross, ang-cross) Av weight, 460kg to 610kg, 170c/kg, 310/c/kg, $1242/head to $1720/head.
Bulls: (Ang, ang-cross) Av weight, 625kg, 720kg 271.5c/kg, 281c/kg, $1756/head, $1954/head.
Heifers: (Here-fries, ang-here, ang, simm-cross) Av weight, 491kg to 575kg, 269c/kg to 274c/kg, $1380/head to $1568/head.
Cows: (Ang-here, fries, dairy-cross, ang, here-fries) Av weight, 400kg to 647kg, 150c/kg to 215c/kg, $622/head to $1392/head.
Ewes: Shorn, good, $78 to $79.50; med, $68 to $76.50; lighter, $58. Woolly, good, $69.50 to $74; med, $66.50 to $69; lighter, $62 to $66.20; light, $50. Slipe, good, $80; med, $69.50; light, $45 to $55.
Lambs: Male, $71 to $123; b/f, $98.50 to $121; ewe, $83 to $97; b/f, $98 to $110; m/s, $82 to $110; b/f, $100.50 to $111.