- Prices
Steers: R3, Western Hills, Dartmoor, 14 ang, av weight, 545kg, 2989c/kg, $1625/head; Otatara Farm, Whakapirau, 10 sth dev-cross, av weight, 484kg, 287c/kg, $1390/head; Russco Farms, Wallingford, 10 ang-here, av weight, 411kg, 304c/kg, $1250/head. R2, M Kinney, Bridge Pa, nine ang and ang-here, av weight, 451kg, 288c/kg, $1300/head; six here-cross, av weight, 437kg, 265c/kg, $1160/head.
Heifers: R3, Kokohu Station, Wairoa, 10 ang, av weight, 414kg, 271c/kg, $1125/head. R2, D Phillips, Te Aute, five here-cross, av weight, 334kg, 257c/kg, $860/head; Kokohu Station, Wairoa, five ang, av weight, 372kg, 250c/kg, $930/head; D Cameron, Whakapirau, 21 here-fries, av weight, 452kg, 271c/kg, $1225/head; Russco Farms, Wallingford, 12 here and here-cross, av weight, 377kg, 276c/kg, $1045/head; five here, av weight, 446kg, 255c/kg, $1140/head.
Bulls: East Family Trust, Kahuranaki, eight R3 fries, av weight, 499kg, 286c/kg, $130/head. R2, K Foote, Tuai, 27 here, av weight, 421kg, 340c/kg, $1445/head; 11 the same, av weight, 361kg, 360c/kg, $1300/head; six here-cross, av weight, 417kg, 288c/kg, $1205/head.
Ewes: (All sil) Longacre Farm, Tukituki, 130 5yr rom, 4125; Tremaine Farms, Raukawa, 198 3yr-5yr, $130; 183 the same, $120; 115 the same, $98.50; 141 m/a, $82.50; Waitara Station, Mohaka, 138 5yr, $133; Waihiwirau, Patoka, 51 m/a, $104; Te Hiwi Station, Omakere, 115 m/a, $110; L Kyle, Puketapu, 67 5yr romdale, $105; Tully Family Trust, Waipukurau, 27 4th, rwr, $103; R Dalldorf, Maraetotara, 13 m/a, rwr, $106.
Lambs: Petonomics Trust, Otane, 40 m/s b/f, $116; M Willis, Porangahau, 115 c/o, $89; 152 c/o, $85.50; 71 c/o, $80.50; 95 b/f ewe, $75; Girvan Farm, Wanstead, 112 c/o, $92; Paroa Station, Mohaka, 100 ram, $90; 209 ewe, $80.50; 330 ewe, $79; M and L Whittle, Puketitiri, 52 c/o, $89; Arohiwi P/ship, Puketitiri, 66 c/o, $94; 85 ewe, $85; Hawkswood P/ship, Raukawa, 169 male, $93.50; 92 b/f ewe, $82.50; G Lawrence, Glenross, 72 male, $96; 156 ewe, $74.50; 49 male, $91; 43 male, $92.50; 64 ewe, $70; 64 ewe, $73, B and T Lee, Kaiwaka, 97 c/o, $97; 36 c/o, $97.50; Colonsay Farm, Otamauri, 55 male, $92; Pukerangi Station, Omakere, 81 c/o, $92; 74 c/o, $93.50; Glenbrae Farm, Porangahau, 180 ram, $88.50; 108 ram, $83.50; 102 ewe, $85.50; Longacre Farm, Tukituki, 117 male, $85.50; 63 male, $77; 47 ewe, $75; Fergusson Pastoral, Kahuranaki, 46 male, $94.50; R and H Pastoral, Wanstead, 91 ewe, $80.50; 168 ewe, $77.50; 92 ewe, $70; Blue Creek Trust, Whanawhana, 302 m/s, $79.20; K and J Farquharson, Puketitiri, 172 ewe, $76; 54 c/o, $91; S Tilson, Whanawhana, 154 ewe, $76; 81 ewe, $69; Ngawa Trust, Wanstead, 154 ewe, 64; 74 ewe, $59; Glenview Farming, Aropaoanui, 264 ewe, $78.20; 80 c/o, $90; B Chrystal, Tutira, 101 ram, $93; 45 ram, $79; Tukemokihi Station, Wairoa, 179 ewe, $74; 131 ewe, $64; 31 ewe, $44; Waitara Station, Mohaka, 206 ewe, $74; 59 wether, $88.50; P Sandtmann, Salisbury Rd, 102 ewe, $78.50; T E Lilly P/ship, Taihape, 136 m/s b/f, $69.50; B and N Eade, Wallingford, 114 ewe, $74; 74 c/o, $89; 68 ewe, $79.50; B Hamilton, Middle Rd, 73 male, $90; Eparaima Hills, Wanstead, 61 ewe, $75.50; Te Manuiri Station, Omakere, 61 ewe, $63.50; Otupae Station, Taihape Rd, 85 ewe, $78.20; 97 male, $92.50; Ngapari Station, Wanstead, 53 male, $88; M Halliwell Trust, 48 ewe, $79; A Alexander, Hatuma, 41 ewe, $74.
Prime sale
Angus oxen of exceptional quality sold accordingly at Monday's prime sale.
Good ewes and lambs also sold well but plainer ewes and lambs were harder work.
- Prices
Oxen: (Ang, ang-here, charo-cross) Av weight, 335kg to 687kg, 232c/kg to 312.5c/kg, $777/head to $2054/head.
Cows: (Ang, fries-cross, ang-cross) Av weight, 445kg to 612kg, 163c/kg to 220.5c/kg, $725/head to $1350/head.
Heifers: (Here-fries, simm-cross, ang) Av weight, 385kg to 535kg, 235c/kg to 274c/kg, $912/head to $1465/head.
Bulls: (Simm, here) Weight, 585kg to 1035kg, 222c/kg to 280c/kg, $1635 to $2297/head.
Ewes: Slipe, heavy, $84 to $88, good, $73 to $76; med, $69.50; lighter, $50.50 to $52.50; light, $41.75. Shorn, heavy $83; good, $75 to $80; med, $71 to $74.50; light, $42. Woolly, light, $47.
Lambs: male, $70 to $132.50; ewe, $59 to $124; b/f, $96.50 to $104; m/s, $97 to $115.