For the untrained eye, snow down to the foothills of the Kakanui Ranges will invoke notions of splendour and beauty, but for those who rely on those hills, and hills like it, snow at this time of year is not a welcome sight.
Charles and Natasha Crutchley manage Shortland Station, which takes in the flats of Kyeburn and the mountains of the Kakanui Ranges.
The irrigated flats of the property start at 600m above sea level and their 7500 breeding ewes are set stocked on blocks that only go up from there.
After a few years of getting snow during lambing time, Charles made the call this year to delay putting his ram out by two weeks.
"We usually start lambing around September 22 but this year we won't start until the first week of October. We got three snowstorms last year during lambing and we would have been caught in this one, too."