The work of the Otago Drought Group is a great example of farmers and their organisations collaborating to manage climate challenges locally, Agriculture and Rural Communities Minister Damien O'Connor says.
The group met again last week to update its discussions on the dry conditions in the Clutha district, how farmers were faring and what actions might be needed.
The group, which included Otago Regional Council chairman Stephen Woodhead, representatives from Beef + Lamb New Zealand, DairyNZ, Federated Farmers, the Otago Rural Support Trust and the Ministry for Primary Industries, convened early in any adverse weather event.
"The local industry organisations and Rural Support Trusts working together through the particularly dry conditions in Clutha over the last few months demonstrate how our rural communities work to minimise the impacts of the challenges that the New Zealand climate likes to throw at us," O'Connor said.
The group would meet again at the end of May to assess the situation.