Dairy farmer Jim Andrew, of Dipton, has milked once a day full time for 10 years and has found it made economic and environmental sense. Photos / Yvonne O'Hara
Dairy farmer Jim Andrew, of Dipton, has milked once a day full time for 10 years and has found it made economic and environmental sense. Photos / Yvonne O'Hara
Milking once a day year-round has both environmental and financial benefits, Dipton dairy farmer Jim Andrew says.
Mr Andrew and his wife Sandra bought and converted the Lumsden-Dipton highway property specifically for once-a-day milking full time, about 10 years ago.
He was born and bred on a Wairarapa sheep and beef farm before moving to Southland to become a rural manager for the Bank of New Zealand.
The Andrews then bought their own farm as part of a syndicate before buying the Dipton property.
He said there was not a lot of difference between the district's production figures average for twice a day (TAD) milking, and his business's once-a-day figures.
In addition, he saves about $100,000 in wintering and feed costs and between $60,000 and $70,000 in labour costs annually, by using once-a-day milking full time.
Dairy cows belonging to Jim Andrew, of Dipton, head for their once-a-day milking.
"OAD made economic sense," Mr Andrew said.
It also significantly reduces his farm's environmental footprint.
Mr Andrew said dairy farming faced environmental concerns and once-a-day milking was a way to address them.
"Confidence is at rock bottom, and what OAD offers is a real tangible solution to some problems.
"Environmentally, OAD offers a smaller footprint as the cows only come off the paddock once a day."
That meant half the cattle movements, less effluent on the lanes and in the dairy shed and effluent ponds and less chance of contamination in waterways.
In addition there was less chance of diseases being spread within the herd during milking and members who belong to his OAD discussion group have reported somatic cell counts well below district averages.
Mr Andrew said quality was unaffected and they had consistently been in the top quarter for Open Country Dairy suppliers.
On the other hand, there were some negatives with the system.
Some people experienced a slight drop of about 10% to 15% in production for the first year, and it might take another couple of years to return to previous twice-a-day levels.
"However, if you can't afford to have production drops, maybe it is not for you."
He said not all cows were suited to once-a-day milking.
"About 80% of stock will adapt, while about 20% will probably not.
He said the industry did not have a specific breeding programme that focused on OAD genetics.