Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids often have a synergistic effect and by supplementing an animals' diet with a good quality broad spectrum supplement, providing optimal amounts of important micronutrients helps to ensure optimum health, vitality, immune status, growth, fertility, muscle and tendon strength and recovery.
For convalescing animals, adding such a supplement usually assists with improved healing, increased strength and vitality, promotion of weight gain and increased appetite.
Glucosamine is an important building block for cartilage production and plays a role in lubricating and cushioning joints. It can be an invaluable aid in treating osteoarthritis, both to decrease the dose of anti-inflammatories needed in some cases, as well as to slow the progression of the disease.
A special form, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, has been shown to help protect the internal lining of the bladder wall and can be a useful supplement to use with feline idiopathic cystitis.
MSM (Methyl-Sulphonyl Methane)
A derivative of DMSO, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, improves joint flexibility as well as elasticity of connective tissue, making it a useful supplement for muscle and tendon repair.
As part of normal metabolism free radicals are produced by oxidative stress and if not neutralised by anti-oxidants they can cause cellular damage which ultimately leads to disease. In debilitated, sick, malnourished and older animals the free radical load may be excessive as they have lower amounts of anti-oxidants available to help combat free radical damage.
Some relatively commonly used anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, carotenoids, SAMe are well known but less well-known in the veterinary field are Coenzyme Q10 and proanthocyanidins.
Anti-oxidants work in synergy and have shown to provide immune support, aid in the management of dogs suffering from cognitive dysfunction, assist animals with cardiac disease and can help to improve anemia associated with kidney disease.
Provided as supplementation in optimal amounts, anti-oxidants help to provide powerful general support for debilitated animals.
SAMe (s-adenosylmethionine)
An anti-oxidant with therapeutic properties assisting liver disorders, osteoarthritis and cognitive dysfunction.
Proanthocyanidins are a subclass of bioflavonoids found in blue and purple berries, purple grapes, and extracts of grape-seed and pine bark (enzogenol). They are useful in veterinary practice for many disease conditions including osteoarthritis, infections, heart disease, saddle thrombus in cats and I have found them invaluable as a safe and reliable adjunct therapy for neurological problems, auto-immune conditions, allergies, neoplasia and to support vitality and general energy levels.
Co-Enzyme Q10
A naturally occurring anti-oxidant which assists with energy production in the cells. Co-enzyme Q10 supplementation has shown improved cardiac function in animals with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure. It has also shown improved survival times in acute renal failure, improved exercise tolerance and in some cases, benefit to some cats with inflammatory mouth disease.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
These important nutrients have specific anti-inflammatory properties and are a very versatile therapeutic aid for a number of health conditions.
Omega 3's can help to reduce fatty plaques within blood vessels.
Supplementation helps to maintain normal kidney function and can help to slow the progression of renal failure. They can be a useful supplement for animals with osteoarthritis and very important for the development of the brain before birth.
B-Vitamin Complex
Vitamin Bs are fundamental to energy production, metabolism, growth, and maintenance of healthy tissues. They are a useful aid in helping to reduce nervousness and general stress, treating muscle fatigue, supporting appetite as well as treating debility, anorexia and anemia.
Milk Thistle
Has been used as a natural remedy to support liver health for more than 2000 years. As an antioxidant, milk thistle helps in the detoxification process and helps to assist and promote liver health.
- Dr Liza Schneider is director of Holistic Vets in Tauranga. (07) 578 7054,