Rachael Law and her dog Miss will be at the championships.
Rachael Law and her dog Miss will be at the championships.
Taranaki’s top sheepdogs and their handlers will compete for the top spot in the region.
From March 31 to April 2 the sheepdogs and their handlers from across Taranaki and the North Island will compete in the McDonald Real Estate Taranaki Centre Championships at Tarata.
Taranaki Centre Sheep Dog Trials president Ken Lobb says he is looking forward to the event.
“Each year a different club from around the province hosts the Taranaki champs. This year Tarata is hosting. The Tarata club is fantastic and they have some great sheep. There’s no doubt that it’s going to be a spectacular weekend.”
He says the championships are a good way to qualify for the New Zealand champs.
“The centre championships are a really special way of qualifying for the nationals. Now usually, people would have to receive at least five fifth places to qualify, but in the champs, if any of the dogs and their handlers place in the top five in the opens, they will qualify for the New Zealand champs.”
Bernie Gower and his dog Phillip.
The first two days of the competition are open to everyone across the North Island, he says, with some of the best sheepdogs and their handlers from across the country competing.
“It’s special to win the centre champs, it holds a lot of esteem. There’s going to be some great dogs competing so it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.”
On Sunday, April 2, Taranaki’s top dogs will have their time to shine, with the top five dogs from the champs to compete in a run-off.
“The winner takes all. It’s going to be a great display of the local talent we have here in the region. I encourage everyone to come along and watch the trials. Tarata Club president Bryan Hocken has organised a local day on the Sunday so there will be a great atmosphere with everyone getting involved and having fun.”
Tarata Club president Bryan Hocken says on the Sunday afternoon there will be a fun family day, with plenty of entertainment to keep kids entertained.
“They’ll have the time of their life out here in Tarata. There’ll be refreshments available and the chance to have some good fun out here in Tarata.”
The Details:
What: McDonald Real Estate Taranaki Centre Championships
When: Friday March 31 to Sunday April 2. April 2 is the Taranaki top dogs run-off from 10am to 12pm, with fun activities available in the afternoon.
Where: Tarata road on the Leake and Enright properties.