After various setbacks over the past few years, the reformed Te Awamutu Rose Society is looking to stage and bigger and better Rose Show this November.
The 59th Te Awamutu Rose Show is on November 3 and 4 and will be at Te Awamutu Sports Club.
President Anne Oliedam says the clubrooms is bigger than previous venues and will allow for more and better displays.
She says there is more parking and better access, so it should be an improved experience all round for exhibitors and visitors.
The society says Te Awamutu Sports Club has been very cooperative so they are looking forward to a wonderful event.
Anyone who grows roses can enter the show - there are sections for novice and experienced growers and a number of different categories - 50 classes altogether.
Exhibitors have to enter in advance, either on the night of Thursday, November 2 or Friday morning during set-up time.
The society has a schedule of classes to help exhibitors, or they can attend an event on night of Tuesday, October 31 to learn about showing roses.
Former society president Diana Jones will be at the Te Awamutu Rose Gardens from 7pm to demonstrate how to put up a display, talk about the different classes and answer any questions.
She says even if you have never shown before, you can learn the basics and give it a go.
Set up and judging take place on Friday morning then the show is open to the public from 1-6pm.
It is open again on Saturday from 9.30am until 4pm.
There are 10 judges led by the experienced Janet Pike, who is a former New Zealand Rose Society president.
Rose blooms on show 2022.
The workshop and show next week is the first in a number of events for Te Awamutu Rose Society at this busy time of the year for rose growers.
The society is working on a new map of the Te Awamutu Rose Gardens and will also be hosting international visitors mid-month and then running Rose Sunday at the end of the month.