Discoloured water will soon be a thing of the past for residents of Foxton Beach.
Water engineers at Horowhenua District Council have found a solution that will resolve the community's water clarity issues from mid-2018 onwards — the addition of a greensand filtration plant to the water treatment process.
Greensand is a specially-processed medium which removes manganese from water by oxidation.
"Residents of Foxton Beach have sporadically endured brown water for many years due to the presence of manganese, a naturally-occurring groundwater mineral, in the bore water supply. The current water purification process doesn't remove this mineral," said Paul Gaydon, Horowhenua District Council's Water and Waste Services Manager.
Mr Gaydon said Council water engineers explored a number of options to deal with the problem before selecting a greensand filter as the most promising solution. This led to a four-month on-site trial in 2017 to ensure the quality and reliability of the process.